Sunday, January 27, 2019

Richard Spencer finds Nothing Redeemable about the 'Puritanical' Foundations of the American Civilization — He is missing the Larger Picture of the Iron Triangle — What if Jewish Zealots, instead of Jesus and Paul, had come up with a Universal Faith?

In the video above, Richard 'Fausto' Spencer says he finds much that is redeemable about the American Narrative, especially concerning the Southern Aristocracy and Western Frontiersmen but finds NOTHING redeemable about the founding Puritanical themes of the Northeast Coast. First, it's rather amusing that he would invoke the spiritual notion of 'redeemable'-ness in addressing the conquerors and frontiersmen. One doesn't conquer and grab parts of the world to redeem anything. One does it just to win and be victorious. Vikings and Mongols didn't conquer in search of redemption. They conquered to grab stuff, to dominate, and to rule. Same was true of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. The notion that one's conquests must be 'redeemed' derives from the Christian and Islamic tradition.
As Christians and Muslims believe in the one and only God as the righteous ruler of all, their actions must ultimately be redeemed and justified in the eyes of God. So, it's not enough for Christians or Muslims to just conquer. Their exploits must aligned with the way of God. Or, if conquests were made against the rules of God, there must be atonement and redemption through good works. So, the very notion of 'redemption' in conquest is a religious notion. Spencer is far more influenced by Christianity than he likes to admit, even if subconsciously. If he really were a neo-pagan Faustian guy, he wouldn't be speaking of the 'redeeming' value of anything. Might-is-right would be enough... as with Hillary Clinton after she smashed Libya. She came, she saw, and Gaddafi died, hahahahaha!
But for morally-spiritually righteous people, power isn't enough. It must be justified. For Christians, it had to be justified in the name of God. This was more problematic for Christians than for Muslims because Islam permits Jihadi warriors to wage war on infidels and convert them to Islam with the sword. In contrast, Christianity is about the courage of righteous love and peace. So, if a tyrant tells you to do something evil, you must disobey. And if you are threatened with violence and/or death, you must still disobey and meet your fate with courage. In this sense, true Christianity is not a 'slave religion'. It is not about submission to authority. It is about resistance and disobedience. But unlike the violent way of the Zealots, the Christian way is to resist not only tyranny(by disobeying unjust decrees) but the animal drive toward violence and vengeance. When faced with violence, our natural urge is to react violently. The problem is, in acting just like the tyrant, we end up becoming just like him upon triumphing with the sword. Granted, given the way of the world, Christianity was NOT going to prevail by disobedience, love, and forgiveness alone. So, it ended up making a pact with the Roman Empire.
Romans, in turn, were attracted to Christianity for several reasons. One was because they'd grown cynical about their own gods. As the pagan gods were essentially super-humans with limited powers(like comic book superheroes to put it simply), it was difficult for educated elites of high civilization to really believe in any of that stuff. So, pagan religions turned into empty rituals and parody, like Ovid's METAMORPHOSIS which was written mostly for laughs. Anthropomorphic gods with limited powers lost their luster and no longer possessed the element of mystery or infinitude. They just seemed like exaggerated version of egotistical humans. In contrast, the Jewish/Christian God was faceless and full of mystery and depth. He was the God of Infinity and beyond the infinite. So, Christian cosmology was tantalizing and profound in ways that pagan myths no longer were. Also, if the Romans were indeed about becoming masters of all the world, didn't it make better sense to ally with the one and only God of all time and all things than with little gods of paganism? After all, even the mightiest god of Greeks and Romans, Zeus/Jupiter, was nothing compared to the Jewish-Christian conception of God. Zeus/Jupiter didn't make the world but was born of earlier gods. And despite his top position in the hierarchy, he wasn't all powerful. It's said the Fates are even more powerful because they could end time itself by cutting the rope. In contrast, the Jewish-Christian God is the God of all things, the maker of all time and creator of everything. So, if Romans were really the ultimate power destined to rule the world, why not ally with the ultimate God than with pipsqueak gods of paganism? Also, there was a righteous element in Christianity that lent a 'redeeming' element to Roman conquests. Prior to rise of Christian Rome, victory only meant military might. Romans conquered simply because they were stronger and better at fighting. But it didn't necessarily mean Romans were the good guys or justified in their victories. But armed with Christianity, the God-blessed Romans could begin to morally and spiritually justify and 'redeem' their spoils. They did it for God, to spread His Gospel and with His blessing. So, Roman victories over other people weren't merely military but moral and 'holy'. This Holy Roman Template became the foundation of Western Civilization for the next 1500 yrs.
But then, perhaps, the Roman Empire would have done better to spiritually merge with something like Islam, a religion of Right + Might whereas Christianity at its core is about Right > Might. Because of the pacificism at the core of Christianity, even violent victories carried out in the name and glory of God become somewhat stained with 'sin'.
It's been said Christianity is a 'slave religion', but paradoxically, for that very reason, it was an anti-slavery religion or slave-rebellion religion. Paganism's emphasis on Might glorified the victorious warrior, but what did such a figure do? He conquered other peoples and turned them into slaves. So, even as paganism glorified the free-spirited warriors, their triumphs reduced much of humanity into slaves. Mongols and pagan Romans were great conquerors and turned millions into slaves. Neo-pagan Nazis had plans to turn Slavs into a race of slaves. A culture where Might rules will be a slavery culture. Victors will enslave the losers and inferiors. In contrast, because Christianity morally favors the slaves and downtrodden(at least those with noble hearts because being oppressed per se doesn't make one a good person in the eyes of Jesus), there is a universal drive for freedom. Slaves are to disobey the unjust ruler. They are not to resist violently like the Zealots but to drop the sword and hammer. If an unjust ruler commands his minions to go yonder and rape and pillage, they should disobey and not take part in the bloodbath. If the unjust ruler orders his minions to build him a big palace where he can live like a pig, the minions should disobey and refuse to pick up hammers. And if they are threatened with punishment or death, they should accept such fate than be participants in evil or vanity. Christianity actually requires the greatest kind of courage because it means the will to die for one's conscience and convictions. Be that as it may, it was too impractical. If most people are slapped, they will to slap back. And if they are threatened with crucifixion, they will either run or pick up a weapon to fight back than face righteous death and self-sacrifice. Because of the contradiction within Christianity — a religion of the one and only ultimate God whose message to mankind is to choose love and sacrifice over power and pride — , the Roman Empire might have done better by merging with something like Islam, but Romans weren't able to produce a man of prophetic power like Muhammad who later arose among the Arabs. (Maybe there is something in the Semitic blood, Jewish or Arab, that makes them more prophetic.)

But then, what if one of the Jewish Zealots had come upon a universalist brand of Judaism? Indeed, suppose we do a thought-experiment: What would have happened if the Jewish Zealots conceived of a universal faith? Something like Islam might have emerged from the Jewish community. History could have been very different. Under Roman Occupation, Jews had three ways of coping. (1) Collaboration and/or Assimilation. If you can't beat em, join em, especially as serving the empire could be lucrative with lots of 'carrots'. And many Jews chose collaboration and/or assimilation. (2) Resistance. Arm and fight to the end, whatever the cost. Be tough warriors and use bloody guerrilla tactics. Zealots did this. (3) Counter-conquer the Romans with the power of prophecy. Mind over matter. Romans had military might, but maybe Jews could conquer Roman souls with higher spiritual power. Such Jews became the early Christians.
Collaboration or assimilation was easy and profitable, but it meant the loss of pride and/or identity at the feet of the Romans. It could also lead to attacks by Zealots who didn't tolerate traitors.
Resistance conserved identity, culture, and pride. But there was no way a small band of Jewish Zealots were going to prevail over the Romans, the mightiest military force the world had ever seen. No matter how committed and courageous, the Zealots had no chance against the pagan Romans who were utterly ruthless in dealing with any obstacle to their power.
Now, Assimilation/collaboration and Resistance are old as history itself. But the third option, the use of awesome prophetic imagination to conquer the souls of your conquerors, was a near-impossible task. Also, even if successful, it could be construed just as much a tragedy as a triumph of the Jewish imagination. While Roman pagans would have been made to submit to the God of Jewish origin, the universalization of the Jewish God would have implied that the Jewish Covenant has been rendered null and void. So, rise of Christianity was both the greatest triumph and worst tragedy for Jews. In one way, non-Jews were made to worship the product of Jewish imagination, but in another way, Christians gained moral advantage over Jews who were deemed as Christ-Killers, or the very people who killed God's very Son. Jews believed that God chose them over all other peoples, but Christians believed that Jews were mainly responsible for the death of the Messiah. (Also offensive to Jews is the notion, in both Christianity and Islam, that human choice determines one's relation to God. So, if a white pagan or Arab infidel chooses to believe in God[as Jehovah or Allah], his individual choice seals his fate with God. God can't say NO to such a person because Christianity and Islam says God's House is open to all who CHOOSE to enter it. In contrast, Judaism says the power of choice is with God, and He chose the Jews. Jews didn't choose God. God chose them, and Jews can never say no. It was an offer they couldn't refuse, for good or ill. And since the Jewish Covenant is based on God's choice of Jews, it is the real stuff. After all, it was God's choice. In contrast, Christian and Islamic 'covenants' are bogus because they are based on man-made choices on the conceit that God must accept anyone who wants to enter His House. From the Jewish Perspective, Christianity and Islam are like illegal immigration of gentiles into the House of God that was meant for God and His Chosen People, the Jews. On a subconscious level, Jewish push of Open Borders in the West and Muslim nations via invade/invite strategy could be revenge for the gentiles' having stormed the Jewish House of God.) Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries were faced with similar questions. Do they just assimilate(and even convert to Christianity)? Do they resist in the name of Jewish identity and pride? Or do they envision new prophecies with which to conquer the souls of those who have power over Jews? Granted, things got muddled along the way. Many Jews who assimilated nevertheless stuck to tribal guns in subconscious or underhanded ways. And Zionism, a neo-zealous form of Jewish national resistance, actually gained the backing of the great empires of UK, US, and USSR. And unlike early Christians, the Jewish Marxists were careful not to vilify Jews(even though, to be sure, Karl Marx had some harsh things to say about Jews and Capitalism). One wonders if modern Jewish prophecies(Marxism, Freudianism, Globalism, Vaginalism, Homomania, etc) have been in earnest or tools(consciously or subconsciously) to better protect and serve Jewish identity and interests.
The early Christians(who were mostly Jews) seemed sincere in their transformation from tribalism toward universalism. Maybe Marx and early Jewish communists were too, but one wonders about the many Jewish leftists in the West in the 20th century. Did they abandon Jewishness to take up universalism, or were they using universalism as smoke screen to further Jewish interests? For example, many Jews talk of Americanism as a Proposition in an almost prophetic way. It's as if all the world should become ersatz-America and America should become ersatz-all-the-world. All nations should be blessed with Americanism, and America, as a proposition, should welcome all the world. A kind of neo-messianism. (And there is Homomania.) But are these Jews sincere in their conviction? Or is it all just a chimera to fool goyim in order to consolidate Jewish globalist aims? After all, if Jewish globalists really prophesy such a future, why do they cling to Zionism and Israel? It seems Jews today are trying to have all three options. Assimilate into goy nations, resist sufficiently to maintain Jewish identity and loyalty to Israel, and call on all nations to adopt globo-homo-Americanism as the new messianic vision.
Jewish neurosis is baked into the Jewish condition because Jewish identity is premised on both separatism & uniqueness AND globo-integration & universalism. One side of Jewishness permeates into goyim, another part of Jewishness recoils from goyim. Jews bewail 'antisemitism' of goy resistance to Jews, but Jews also fear kindly acceptance by goyim because they might lose their ways and dissolve into goyness. Then, everything that Jews achieved and came to own may just pass over to goyim. Jews want goyim to love Jews but also want fellow Jews to hate goyim. If Jews loved goyim like goyim love Jews, Jewish minority will be swallowed into larger goy majority. So, even as Jews tell goyim that it's their moral obligation to love Jews, they tell fellow Jews it's their duty to be hateful toward the dominant goy majority of whichever nation(while forging alliances-of-convenience with minority goyim). So, Jews demand Wasps to love Jews but also demand fellow Jews to hate Wasps. The Jewish way with goyim is "Don't punch us but let us punch you." We see this with so many Jews like Jennifer Rubin and William Kristol. They demand that whites love, love, and love Jews, but they do little else but berate and insult whites for all sorts of reasons.
There's the stereotype of the un-athletic Jew. If we apply this factoid to the Ancient World, it means brainy Jews had good chance of success with assimilation under the Roman Empire. Or, even though far more difficult, they had a chance with prophecy — Conquer Roman souls with spiritual imagination — because it involved mental skills. But if Jews were physical wusses and gimps, Zealots who took up arms couldn't have had a chance.
But, is it really true that Jews have always been physically weaker, and therefore, hopeless in physical combat? Vietnamese are a small people, but they became fearsome warriors in the 20th century. And the IDF seems to be pretty effective. Also, I'm thinking that Ancient Jews, at least a lot of them, worked at stuff like carpentering or fishing, like Jesus and Peter. They weren't all accountants or college professors or bookies. The real problem with the Zealots was they were too small in number to defeat the Romans. But, what if a Jesus-like or Paul-like figure was militant than pacifist? What if he came up with a warlike universal prophecy? Instead of promoting love and forgiveness as the highest virtue of humanity, suppose he preached fighting spirit and warrior creed in the name of the one and only God? Such a Zealot-universalism might have won over tons of converts among non-Jews also living under Roman Rule. Zealots on their own had no chance, but what if Zealotry could have been a universal faith and spread like wildfire? What if all converts were told that, following their deaths in the struggle against Romans, they will ascend to Heaven and be blessed with eternal life? Or, what if the Romans themselves adopted this militant form of spiritual universalism and used it as moral justification to conquer yet more of the world?
Now, the actual Zealots, being ultra-conservative, weren't going to universalize their faith to recruit warriors among heathens. By its very nature, militancy tends to be conservative, closed, and tribal. In contrast, pacifism tends to be liberal, open, and universal, perhaps the reason why pro-peace Christianity reached out beyond the Jewish community. (Granted, pacifism can be conservative and insular, like the Amish Community, and militancy can be liberal and aggressive, like the expansionist goals of the Enlightenment to spread its truths to all corners of the world.) In time, it was Muhammad who demonstrated that militancy could become the stuff of universal faith, and its detonation led to shock effects still being felt today. The impact was a form of universalized zealotry. (The frightening Taiping Rebellion also resulted from fusion of militancy and messianism, though ironically inspired by Christianity.) Maybe if Zealots could have produced a messianic figure who went about converting and recruiting non-Jews in the war against Rome, the empire would have collapsed soon enough. Or, upon the Zealot-messiah's death, suppose the Romans eventually took up his banner of militant prophetic universalism as their own. While the pagan Romans were mighty and awesome, there is nothing more frightening than religious fanatics willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of God. It was one reason why communism conquered parts of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa but failed to make inroads into the Muslim World. (Consider what Indonesian Muslims did to communists following the failed 1965 coup.) And the USSR suffered terribly in Afghanistan. But then, in a way, communism was a secular formula of mixing universal messianism with militant zealotry. This formula(of missed opportunity?) was dramatized in the movie SPARTACUS(made from novel by Jewish Howard Fast and produced by Jewish Kirk Douglas). Though SPARTACUS is about a goy slave rebellion against Romans, the gladiator-rebels are like fantasy-Zealots. The difference is that whereas the real Zealots were staunchly tribalists who fought only for a narrow Jewish cause, Spartacus of legend arrives at a higher vision, the dream of uniting all slaves against the Empire. It is like a hypothetical fantasy of "WHAT IF the Zealots hadn't been so 'parochial' and had reached out to all peoples enslaved by the Romans?" Then, the Ancient Jewish Warriors need not have fought and died alone but could have led huge armies of slaves against the Roman slavers. Or, maybe the Romans themselves would have been so inspired by the vision that THEY chose to adopt the formula for themselves.
In a way, this was the dream of communism. Modern Jewish prophet-revolutionaries would lead ALL OF MANKIND toward liberation from greed and exploitation. In the Stanley Kubrick movie, Spartacus becomes the kind of messiah that the Zealots might have produced had they translated their passion into universal prophecy. Now, Jesus and Jewish Christians did eventually conquer the Romans spiritually but, in having done so, passed the spiritual secret of the Jews to the Gentiles who used it to grow more powerful and beat up on Jews(as Christ-killers). But if Zealots had produced a warrior messiah with a universal vision of justice, the Jewish-led rebellion might have physically, as well as spiritually, smashed the Roman Empire. And then, history would have been so very different.
The pagan Spartacus failed, but then, his cause was simply that of war and justice. He lacked spiritual vision. In contrast, Muhammad who fused spiritual vision with militancy achieved some of the most awesome feats in history. Jesus had spiritual vision but chose the path of pacifism, and so, He got clobbered and killed real bad, and it took a few centuries for the new Faith to begin to take hold and spread. In the current situation, Jews don't need to lead any rebellion because, with their control of Deep State and much else, they have control of the Goy Imperial Military to romp around the world to crush or encircle whatever enemies Jews don't like.

Anyway, Spencer fails to appreciate the spiritual(or Puritanical) foundation of America because he overlooks the Iron Triangle of Civilization. From the earliest to the latest forms of civilization, the complementary unity of the military caste, priestly class, and economic class was essential. To be sure, sometimes, these castes/classes overlapped. In aristocracies, the military caste owned most of the property and thus constituted a huge economic caste that worked with the economic class of merchants or middlemen. In some orders, the religious caste also took up arms. In a theocracy, it's not always easy to distinguish the boundary between the martial and the religious. In some ways, Islamic Civilization was a unity of fist and faith. Also, even though religion is now treated separately from the sciences(based on facts and reason), for most of humanity for most of history, the priestly caste/class was the intellectual and 'scientific'(or cosmological) component of society as well. Also, it must be noted that so many social scientists(and even hard scientists) in our time play quasi-priestly roles as upholders of Official Dogma and Iconography. Clerisy is the new clergy. And given the decadent and degenerate character of our times, even the Industry of Idolatry secured a role in upholding the New Sacred(albeit molded from the Profane, such as Homomania).

The truth is that no Order that wishes to last can rest on military might or economic might alone. It needs the third line of the triangle that lends spiritual meaning and moral justification. So, while it's true that America grew to greatness as the result of its business class and military class, it also owed to the American sense of righteousness and justification supplied by both its religious underpinning and philosophical foundation. Today, we think of religion, philosophy, and science as separate — religious colleges go almost totally ignored in most universities, and besides, most of them use religion merely as a tool for the latest globo-homo gospel — , but it wasn't so from the time of America's founding to mid-20th century America. Even though many of the Founding Fathers were Deists than devout religionists, most of the elites in all fields were Christian and did sincerely believe in God. Also, many of the top colleges were founded as religious schools, and even when they became more secular institutions, religious studies played an important role. It was the French than the American Revolution that put forth a new dichotomy that set political philosophy violently at odds with religion and spirituality. Even though the Founding Fathers were men of the Enlightenment that had grown critical of religion, the notion that one must choose either the State or the Church was more a European than an American crisis. The French Revolution went about demolishing the Church and clergy as tyrannical and superstitious bulwarks of tradition and reaction, not least because the power of Church and Monarchy had long been joined at the hip. In contrast, America was doubly removed from the dominant European Church(Catholicism). It grew out of Britain, a Protestant nation that had already cut ties with the Catholic Church. Furthermore, the first religious communities in the Northeast Coast regarded themselves as being in defiance of the official church of England. So, the religious mindset that developed in Early America was more independent of the official Church of England(that naturally sided with the English King during the Revolutionary War). In a way, the religionists in America had a head-start over the secular forces in striving for independence from Britain. While the religionists hadn't the political and economic means to make themselves independent of the British Empire, they felt spiritually freed from the Official Church, and that mindset laid the moral foundation for the rebellion that arose among the Colonial intellectual and business class.
At any rate, by today's standards, most religious folks in Europe and America in the 17th and 18th centuries would come across as 'fanatics' and 'lunatics'. It makes no sense to judge people back then with standards today. Also, in our time, the kind of people who become religious fanatics are low IQ and fringe elements. Back then, many men of intelligence, vision, and talent became true believers. It's like, in our time, the worst dregs of society join organizations like Antifa, but there were many men of brilliance, insight, and integrity who joined radical far-left movements in the 19th century and early 20th century. Whatever one may say of men like Lenin or Trotsky, they were no dummies. Likewise, the religious pioneers who sailed across the Atlantic to found new communities were people of real courage, vision, and some integrity even though their views may seem 'extreme' to us. Just consider. The people of Waco Compound were mostly slouches and parasites. Even as they sought separateness, they totally leeched off the state. In contrast, the first religious communities in America were formed by men and women who were willing to risk everything to found a new order. They were men and women of conviction, not just members of some cult.

Until the French Revolution that drew a clear line between secular ideology and religious culture, most of Western Civilization operated in a middle ground between reason and religion. And given that most men in the sciences and philosophy at the time were also religious — they used science to understand the ways of God, not to disprove Him — , religious thought was part and parcel of intellectual culture. It was considerably later, especially with the rise of Darwinism(along with geology and modern physics), that a decisive break took hold between religious thought and philosophy. (And then, with the progress of specialization in the sciences, a break happened between philosophy and science. For most of history, science and math were regarded as fields of philosophy. But as knowledge of the material world became more extensive and complicated, the traditional philosophical approach, which relied heavily on contemplation and rumination along the line of "I think, therefore I am", came to be increasingly marginalized and disregarded by hard scientists who decided that the truth couldn't be ascertained by contemplation or speculation but only by experimentation and hard evidence. In other words, to really understand the workings of the mind, it was better to actually study the matter-and-energy of brain functions than apply logic to one's contemplation of the mind. The 'Platonic' aspect of philosophy lost out. Empiricism, once a field of philosophy, became just about the only real thing. Ontology > Phenomenology. Because science broke free from philosophy and grew in prominence(in inverse proportion to philosophy, whose last truly relevant representatives were maybe Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus), even figures who relied more on contemplation and speculation, such as Sigmund Frued and Carl Jung, claimed to be 'scientists' committed the 'experimental method'. But over time, they were discredited as scientists and, if they still commanded respect from certain corners, it was as 'thinkers' and culture-theorists than as men of medicine. But then, the triumph of science over philosophy didn't mean that the New Era would be governed by Reason over Religion. In a superficial way, the story of the Modern World has been one of science and technology gaining predominance and the inexorable decline of religion(despite Islamic resurgence in certain parts of the world). And yet, despite the weakening of traditional religions such as Christianity and Buddhism, most people(from elites down to the masses) didn't become more rational, empirical, and logical. They merely erected new gods to replace the old ones. Marxism, as we all should know by now, became a secular religion with its own gods, sacraments, symbols, and canon. And so-called Liberal Democracies worshiped new gods like MLK and Mandela(and other Magic Negro figures). Indeed, given the mania for the Noble Negro, it wouldn't do to suggest that blacks have lower IQ because it would undercut the cult of Negro genius and wisdom. The elites began to preach mindless sermons about Diversity and Inclusion without making a logical or factual case for either. What began as a movement for 'gay rights' turned into a neo-religion of Gay Rites whereby homos(and even trannies) were to be regarded as saints and angels, the kind of people who should be running Boy Scouts and reading fairy-tales to children. And of course, Homomania says churches should be festooned with 'gay-rainbow' colors. And then, there is the neo-pagan idolatry of celebrity whereby entertainers aren't merely fun figures or figures-of-fun but demigods around whose vaunted status our lives are supposed to revolve. PC is religious dogma without the traditional religion, and Pop Culture is pagan idolatry without the old superstition. Their effect on the world has proven that a society can be made by science and technology but operated on the social, cultural, and political level by Men and Women spellbound by new charms and taboos.

Anyway, on the matter of America, there was the need for the Iron Triangle, and its 'puritanism' or 'spiritual reformism' was one side of the triangle, the other sides being the martial spirit and business know-how. One could also speak of the political or governmental class, but it was largely an extension of the business class and intellectual class(which, even up to the 20th century, was closely aligned with religious values; the role of Christianity in US universities cannot be underestimated up to early 20th century). Even though the military class is glorified and moneyed class is glamorized, whereas the religious class is often regarded as humorless party-poopers — Moses return from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments was a real downer for the Golden Calf revelers — , the truth is no Order could last long without strong moral-spiritual element. Assyrians and Mongols were great warriors. They conquered much of the known world, struck fear into hearts of their rivals, and were held in awe by their subjects. But rule-by-might, in lacking a moral or deep spiritual element, soon becomes resented and hated. If a bank-robber holds a gun to you and tells you what to do, you obey out of fear, not out of respect. Thus, a power predicated only on military might cannot last too long. It lasts only as long as the Fear Factor holds out. It's like, the moment we realize we can overcome the robber with the gun, he is finished. We'll just pile on him and beat him up. So, when the military might of Assyrians and Mongols began to weaken, their empires collapse rapidly, almost overnight. The greatest pagan conquerors of the Ancient World gained more territory than Muhammad did in his lifetime, but they failed to leave behind lasting civilizations. In contrast, Islamic Civilization is still with us. Why? It had a powerful moral-spiritual side to its Iron Triangle. And when the Roman Empire collapsed in the West, what was the ONE civilizational idea that survived and, if anything, came to culturally and spiritually conquer the Germanic warriors, the very people who'd laid waste to Rome? It was Christianity.
Now, it's true enough that pagans also had spiritual beliefs and customs. Every society did. Then, why didn't their spiritual concepts have the kind of lasting power that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam did? It was because pagan religions tended to be amoral(or even immoral). And even their moralism was wobbly. So, even as Zeus and Apollo were seen as upholders of order and justice, they often acted like men of power who all-too-often abused their advantage over humans(and lesser gods). And we know the Aztec gods demanded human sacrifice on a massive scale, as did some of the gods of Mesopotamia. In contrast, the spiritual idea that flowed from Judaism maintained that there is the one true God, and He isn't just about might but unity of might and right. He is a just God who favors the good(and weak) over the evil(and powerful). Granted, the Jewish God had nothing against a people being Good and Powerful. Indeed, He promised the Jews that if they acted good, He would bless them with power and mastery over the world. But it seemed good Jews fared no better than bad Jews. One thing for sure, both kinds of Jews came under Roman domination. As God didn't seem to be blessing the good Jews much, there arose the figure of Jesus who said being Good and being Powerful(and/or Rich) cannot co-exist. You could be Good & weak or Bad & powerful. But, the Good & weak shall triumph because they, and only they, shall be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven to be with God. Some people think that Jesus' blessings upon the Good & weak means that the poor, wretched, diseased, enslaved, and oppressed are the Salt of the Earth. Not true. Jesus believed that a man can be poor & oppressed but still an evil son of a bitch. To be Good, one had to have a good heart. If one was poor and oppressed BUT craved riches and power, he was wicked of heart, indeed no better than a tyrant with riches and power. Jesus saw poverty as a path to goodness but ONLY when it was voluntary and without complaint. If a man is poor but wants to be rich, he is wicked of heart. A truly good man accepts his poverty as personal choice. He understands poverty is good because he has willfully relinquished materialism and fleshly desires. He has made himself free of the bondage of Earthly wants. As Jesus saw it, the desire for riches and power is a form of slavery. It is soul's bondage to the fleeting temptations of the world. For the soul to be free, it must choose eternity in heaven over ephemera on earth. Therefore, willful poverty is the first stage toward choosing the spiritual life. (There is something similar among military figures as well, even though they are very much men of the world. To be a true warrior, one must forsake affluence and comfort. One must be willing to fight and die for honor. Thus, self-denial and spartan commitment to hardship are the path to true glory for the fighting man. The true man of war sees affluence and leisure as bondage to comfort that is the bane of warrior spirit. Once a man becomes attached to the pleasures of the world, he loses the will to put his life on the line for honor and glory.) This is why so much of current Christianity is corrupted. Instead of seeing poverty as a positive good, the pathway toward salvation, it sees poverty as a curse that must be overcome by mass migration-invasion of the First World. If true Christianity preaches to people to voluntarily choose poverty, the current Christianity tells people that their poverty is awful, and therefore, they must escape it by moving to America, Europe, or Japan(though never Israel). Also, it presumes that poor people are naturally good because Jesus went among the poor. But, Jesus didn't go among the poor to preach against poverty but to convince them to embrace poverty as a good thing, the path to true virtue and salvation. His idea was that poor people should not ask much from the world. They should be content with having little, devote their lives to prayer, transcend temptations of the flesh, and finally attain spiritual salvation. In contrast, there is nothing Christian-minded among all those Third World peoples seeking entry into the West. They just want better material lives. Now, that's perfectly understandable as most people want more stuff and more comfort. But, there is nothing Christian about people taking leave of their own nations, cultures, and folks to find more material stuff and comfort in another. They could even be coming to the West for Mammon as well as material comfort, especially as America's 'soft power' of Pop Cultural hegemony has filled countless minds with the impression that everyone's having a great time with sex, dance, and revelry in the West. Notice that many who come to the West are not hungry or diseased. Many of them just want more fun. Western Churches that welcome these 'salt of the earth' are sure to be disappointed because, once the children of these materialist-minded immigrants/migrants can get 'what is mine', the last thing on their minds is morality or spiritual salvation. And if their parents are religious, it's because they want to pray for more money and bigger house.

Anyway, no order can last long on money or might alone. While most people want to be rich and admire/envy the rich, there is no real respect for wealth alone(unless one happens to be a libertarian). It's good to be rich than poor, but most people know that money doesn't equal integrity, goodness, nobility of soul, and soundness of spirit. After all, some of the most famous rich people are louts like movie stars and rock stars. Or charlatans like Oprah or mega-church hustlers. And even people of genuine intelligence and talent who got super-rich often turn out to be shallow a**holes or scumbags, like Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook, not to mention George Soros and the Koch Brothers. Money can buy loyalty but only in the way a man can buy a whore. When the money dries up, there is no loyalty left. Or the whores of the world just go to those who can pay MORE. This is why Jews understand that their power cannot rest on money alone. Jews with their great wealth can buy a lot of loyalty, but there is no guarantee that their minions really love or care about them. Whores aren't loyal to anyone or anything. They will go with the money. Because Jews got so much money, they can buy up a lot of whores. But there are other groups with money too. Another problem is that those with money draw the most attention and come under the most scrutiny. Granted, Jews with their money can buy up media outlets and rely on tribesmen in the academia to go easy on Jews and distract attention from Jewish Power by spreading hysteria about Russia-Russia-Russia, Iran and Muslim Threat, or Yellow Peril. Or Jews can put homos out in front as the face of power and privilege, thus deflecting criticism that should really be directed at Jewish Power. Still, if Jews only had money power, they would be very vulnerable. After all, Anglo-American elites had lots of money power, but they kept losing in power and prestige year after year, especially since the 60s, as their moral standing eroded under pressures from various social movements and cultural trends. If anything, the power and wealth of Anglo-Americans became the focus of attack by Jews, blacks, and the Left. Money power without Moral power means less justification for a people's wealth and influence.
Now, a group can use Fear as well as Money, the old carrots-and-sticks trick. Gangsters operate along such lines. They "make you an offer you can't refuse". And Jews have been big in organized crime, a fact covered up by the Jew-run media and entertainment emphasizing Italian-American gangs over Jewish ones. But what works in the criminal world works less in the legitimate world. Use of fear and terror may be able to take out other gangsters and little people, but it'd be too risky with big-time politicians, oligarchs, and respected individuals in media and academia. Indeed, consider all the furor over the Saudi killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a globalist-journalist with connections to Washington Post.
This is where Control of Morality becomes crucial. Once a moral paradigm takes hold in society, anyone can be intimidated by the fear of heresy. In the current West, Shoah has become sacrosanct, thereby shrouding Jews with tragic holiness. Jews, merely by being Jewish, are seen as a special people to whom the rest of humanity must apologize, show respect, and shower with praise. Thus, Jewish use of fear need not be with a gun or garrote. It can merely be with words. Because Jews are holy-schmoly, they can threaten anyone with the charge of 'antisemitism'. Even a fat, gross, and odious Jew like the guy in JURASSIC PARK can get a lot of mileage by pointing his finger at goyim and screaming 'nazi'. He's just like Abe Foxman.

The way Jews exploit the Holocaust and wield it like a weapon shows the dark side of morality. Morality, at its best, is about being conscientious and self-critical of one's failings, an honest attempt to be a better person. Or, it's about working with other members of the community to uphold the Golden Rule by censuring those who violate it. But too many people use morality as a holier-than-thou stick to beat others with. Jews are the champions of this. If Jews were just as hard on themselves as on others, their moral berating of rest of humanity would be more tolerable. But Jews, who wallow in all sorts of filth and corruption for their self-aggrandizement, are always preaching to OTHERS about their failings. Sometimes, Jews accuse OTHERS of the very problems that they themselves are most responsible for. It's no wonder there is a saying, "A Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." In the US, what is the charge of 'white supremacism' but a deflection and projection on the part of Jews. By screaming about 'white supremacism', Jews deflect our attention from Jewish Supremacism that really rules America. Also, it's a projection of Jewish supremacism onto others. Just consider. A man like Jared Taylor(who only wants a world of his own and doesn't want to rule over other races) cannot even use Paypal and Twitter, but the Jew-run media would have us believe that the US is under threat by 'white supremacists' like him, Kevin MacDonald, and David Duke. Such men don't have much money and zero allies in the Establishment. In contrast, Jewish billionaire oligarchs buy up whore politicians and appoint Deep State goons to destroy entire parts of the world to serve the interests of Israel that continues to occupy West Bank. And half the states(blue and red) have anti-BDS laws that violate the US Constitution in favor of Zionist supremacism over justice for Palestinians. And yet, Jewish Supremacist bleat on and on about 'white supremacism', as if David Duke or Richard Spencer are on the verge of taking over the nation. Jews are among the worst practitioners of morality because their cultural psychology is based on a contradiction. Jews believe there is only one God, therefore only one Power and Justice for all of humanity. So far so good. But the Jewish Covenant says this one and only God favors Jews above all other peoples. Jews are special, goyim are not. Today, most Jews are secular, but his mental habit persists in their worldview. On the one hand, Jews act as though there is only One Truth(as concocted by Jews of course) for all of mankind, and Jews push this globo-homo agenda on every people... except on themselves. Consider how Jews handle Free Speech. Free Speech is good all around the world in the sense that Jews should have the freedom to criticize and condemn any race, ethnic group, or nationality... but NO people better do the same to Jews. If anyone dares to speak truth to Jewish Power, it is 'hate speech', thus not free speech. But Jews can spew the worst kind of filth against Russia, Iran, China, Syria, Palestinians, Christians, Turks, Greeks, Italians, Poles, white Americans, and etc. Is such vileness the product of Jewish cultural attitude? Or is there something genetic in the Jewish Personality that makes them so obsessively nasty, vicious, and hypocritical?
Granted, Jews are not the only people to have wielded morality in ugly and dark ways. Christians have done this forever, acting holier-than-thou and condemning others of immorality and/or heresy while indulging in corruption, avarice, and egotism. Still, because Christianity says God loves all peoples equally, it wouldn't be good form for one bunch of Christians to feel and act like they and only they have a special connection to God. And even if they did, they would still believe that others could be converted to their creed. In contrast, Jews are so used to thinking that the one and only God favors them over all others. Therefore, even though both groups have been spectacularly hypocritical through the ages, Christians are bound to be more troubled by awareness of hypocrisy, whereas Jews regard that very hypocrisy as the central tenet of the Covenant: There is only one God who has one truth for all of humanity, BUT He chose Jews over all others, so Jews get pass-over privilege that don't apply to goyim.
Besides, most goy nations just mind their own business and do not dictate world policy. Iran is mostly about Iran. Syria is mostly about Syria. Hungary is mostly about Hungary. Even big nations like Russia and China pursue national sovereignty. They will do business with the world but don't tell other nations how to run their own affairs. In contrast, Jews are always acting like they are the torch-bearers of universal human rights when, if anything, they manipulate World Events(from their cabin in Battleship America) to serve Jewish Supremacist interests.

Nicky Santoro and crew in Martin Scorsese's CASINO demonstrate the limits of money and might. The fellas remain loyal to Nicky out of greed and fear. Stick with Santoro, and they can make some serious bucks. Also, they fear displeasing Santoro because he is psychotic. But there was never any real love or respect there. And when they finally decide they have more to gain by having Santoro and his brother killed, they do so without a smidgen of remorse. In contrast, there was real respect among the Disciples for Jesus, and this is why Peter who denied Jesus three times later breaks down in guilt and devotes his life to atoning for his betrayal. Having saved his own life by denying Jesus, he eventually gives his life in service to Jesus. Morality is the best kind of fear and best kind of reward. It makes a person feel righteous in what he does. It's like a soldier who is committed to a moral cause fears betrayal as a stain on his soul than a mere breach of contract. Also, facing death, a soldier who believes in the rightness of his cause feels a sense of reward even at the cost of his own life. He feels that his sacrifice was worth it for a just cause. Why did North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers fight harder than the South Vietnamese troops even though the latter had better arms, supplies, food, and pay? Because the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong passionately felt the justness of their cause whereas South Vietnamese troops felt as mere mercenaries and lackey of a foreign empire. It's the same reason why Castro's patriotic guerrillas prevailed over the mercenaries of the Batista regime that had lots of money and muscle but NO respect among the populace.
Richard Spencer bitches about how everyone left him high and dry after Charlottesville, but what has been the theme of Spencer-ism? Vanity, ego, narcissism. All so vapid and hollow. So, sure, when he was riding high as the glamorous enfant terrible poster-boy of the Alt Right, a bunch of guys gravitated toward him. But once he was struck down by the Power and made to look small-and-weak, guys who'd once looked up to him saw him as pitiful and pathetic. Even in persecution and defeat, the Disciples loved Jesus because they regarded Him as a great and profound moral-spiritual figure. Spencer hardly put forth a moral-humanist vision for the cause. Instead, it was all about political celebritydom, his own ego-tour. Because he'd relied so much on shallow factors to be catapulted into the limelight, he could easily be made to fall on his ass once those factors were removed. Spencer was made and unmade by the media. As Spencer likes to say, 'It is what it is'. There is nothing to Spencerism or Spenceristics but the Image. If his followers truly respected him, they would have felt some remorse for their running away and would have returned to the fold. But by all personal accounts, Spencer has lost the trust and/or respect of those around him by words and actions that struck others as rash, childish, selfish, or even deranged. Also, some of his associates, like Kyle Bristow, turned out to be mentally deranged. Spencer is like a selfish player in team sports who, in trying to hog all the attention, makes foolish moves instead of working generously with others. Furthermore, Spencer has no right to bitch about those who ditched him because they dropped him on the basis of his own standards. Spencer is all about power, power, power and sneers at 'slave morality'. Well, if those are the rules — power, power, power uber alles — , why should anyone stick around Spencer who has no power and has been bitch-slapped by Jewish Power that drags him around like a dog? If power is the measure of everything, Spencer deserves no respect and no loyalty since he can't even use Paypal and has to walk on eggshells to barely remain on Twitter. Spencer has to be Jack Dorsey's bitch to keep his last connection to social network. If Spencer insists that power, power, power is the only true golden rule, then he really cuts a weak, wimpy, pitiful, and pathetic figure. For all his Faustian-Nietzschean yammering, it appears his 15 min of fame rested entirely on media attention. Once the media spotlight was shut off, he was instantly turned into a nobody again. So much for power. If Spencer's sermon to the world is POWER is all that matters, then he should logically worship the Jews who have the most power. At least, cucks like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney know who has the real power. And logically, NO ONE should follow Spencer since he has no power. He can't even control his wife. And how can he expect anyone to respect him after standing for a photo in front of a giant homo symbol?

Morality is the best weapon for those without power. And even as they gain power(and possibly even dominance), they must maintain the Moral Narrative to justify the power. This is why Islam has lasted for so long. Muhammad began without power, but he had a spiritual vision and embarked on a powerful moral mission. And Jews lasted for so long because their identity wasn't only about money and might but about spiritual connection to God and moral destiny in the world. And the explosive power of communism also owed to its moral component, without which the whole enterprise would have fallen apart like so many radical anarchist movements that soon gave into nihilism.
Granted, morality is a double-edged sword. The morality with which you or your kind judge others to justify your rise to power can be used against you and your kind by others. Morality can be a wind on your back or wind against your face. What this suggests is that all power must understand their limits. The greedier you are for power, the more likely you are to trample on others, thereby losing grasp of the justification for power. In an amoral world, the people will support the man of power who conquers most. But in a moral world, the people will support your aggression only if it's morally-spiritually justified. The pagan Roman masses or Mongol masses loved whomever was winning. But the Christian West became ever more moral, and that meant its expansion around the world had to be morally-spiritually justified to maintain support at home, and that was why themes of Christian conversion(of the heathens) and spreading the Light of Civilization became so crucial to the Western Enterprise. Such moral passion had an empowering effect because it made the West feel not only powerful but justified in its hegemonic expansion. The Spanish didn't want to believe that they were in South America only for gold. It was for God as for gold. Now, one can argue that it was all very cynical and hypocritical for the Hispanic Europeans to uphold spirituality as a moral front to hide the insatiable greed that really motivated the imperialism.
But, we can still appreciate how the Moral Factor can go so far in making Power feel justified and good. Likewise, the prestige of the Soviet Union in its heyday was not only that it had become an industrial power and defeated mighty Germany. It was the moral component of Marxism. In contrast, Fascism and National Socialism failed to gain as many admirers around the world because they seemed to be more about power-for-power's sake than power-for-moral-cause. While non-fascists and even anti-fascists were, for a time, impressed by Italian Fascist showmanship and awed by National Socialist German might, they couldn't feel much of an emotional or ethical connection to a movement where Power was so much into Muscle-Flexing. This is why Neo-Fascism has to be humanist and nationalist. It mustn't regard humans as cannon-fodder for the whims of Great Man(like how Harry Lime feels about most people in THIRD MAN), and it must acknowledge that every people have a need for their own space, heritage, and pride. Then, in a world of mutual respect, the nations can get along and work with one another. Ironically, Jews and Spencerists have in common a nihilistic-supremacism. Jews now claim to be pro-war in the name of spreading 'democracy' or 'universal values', but it's really to submit the entire world to Jewish Hegemony. Spencer claimed to be anti-war in his opposition to Trump's lobbing missiles at Syria, but his real beef wasn't with imperialism per se but that it was serving the Jewish imperialists. So, if the US were controlled by his ilk, Spencer would be okay with lobbing missiles everywhere to create a Darth-Vaderian world where he, as 007-Batman, gets to rule everything. ROTFL.

Given Spencer's vapid vanity and celebrity-nihilism, it's understandable why he admires the American themes of Money and Might but has nothing but rebuke for its Moralism. It's like a child loves to receive allowance and read superhero comics(about men of might) but hates to be dragged to church. (Even though superhero comics are about good guys vs bad guys, their main appeal is about power. After all, if Superman lost his power but became even 'gooder', who'd want to 'read' about him?) All little boys prefer money and might to morality. But boys eventually grow into men, and men must understand Good and Evil; they must appreciate the moral meaning of life. But Spencer is stuck on Batman/Star-Wars fanboy mentality. Though he studied Western philosophy, his basic (pseudo)intellectual and cultural mindset is stuck on Pop Culture. Now, if he were honest about this, it'd be no big deal(as plenty of men his age are still stuck on childish pop culture), but he continues to window-dress his comicbook fantasies by alluding to the Western Canon. When it comes to the mythology of the superhero, M. Night Shyamalan is far more interesting in discerning the disturbed relation between human frailties and mythic fantasies(in such films as UNBREAKABLE and SPLIT) as crutch. Myth is both inspiration and 'incapacitation'. The power of myth can motivate people into action in the real world, or it can offer escapism from the real world. Notice all those white guys who've given up on the future and withdraw into the superhero world of video games where they zap a million 'virtual' enemies. Myth can be tonic or opioid, something well-understood by Shyamalan.
But people like Spencer are too full of themselves to be self-aware. Too many on the Alt Right, due to their lack of moral or spiritual grounding, are incapable of Confession. By Confession, I don't mean something necessarily for public consumption, like the autobiographical works of St. Augustine or Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Indeed, Confession can be wholly private, between oneself and God, between oneself and the Truth, or between oneself and oneself. It is a way of realizing one's own failings, shortcomings, limitations, betrayals, and regrets. Given so many of Spencer's failings and setbacks, plus the fact of his near-total lack of culpability in his problems personal and political, it seems he is incapable of Confessing anything, even to himself. There was a reason why Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad all retreated into contemplation and self-purging before embarking on their missions. Before they could preach unto others, they had to be true with themselves and realize their own faults. People have mocked Jordan Peterson for advising them to 'make their own beds' first. Though no great fan of Peterson myself, his advice was, of course, meant as metaphor. It means you must order your own life before embarking on bigger things. Spencer, who can't even be trusted to run a family or small organization, can hardly be trusted to lead a movement of thousands, let alone millions. He is incapable of Confession. Not that those who are religious are necessarily any more capable of Confession. Nicholas J. Fuentes is Catholic, but religiosity is used as a crutch, a short-cut to self-righteous sanctimony. In his case, religiosity means he never has to confess because God is on his side, and that's that. He doesn't even have to grapple with real science, like evolution. It's a smug kind of spirituality.

For a go-getter like Spencer, moralism is a drag, a scold that says you can't do this or that. Naturally, those motivated by might or money feel fewer restraints in trying to get what they want. In contrast, moralists worry and grapple as to whether they're doing right or wrong. On the other hand, some of greatest adventurers have been moralists because moral consciousness can be utopian and/or revolutionary as well as self-abnegating and self-denying. It's like Muslims have a double-meaning for Jihad. In one way, it means righteous and aggressive war against the Infidels to crush them or convert them. This aspect of Jihad is proud and expansionary. But Jihad can also mean a confessional self-purging of the soul, a war waged on one's own moral and spiritual turpitude in order to restore one's true self. This is why moralists can be the biggest drag on or the biggest push for ambition. When moralists have doubts about a certain project, enterprise, or war, they come forth to condemn the plan as immoral. But if they see righteousness in a certain cause, they will be the loudest voices calling for war, be it social, cultural, or militaristic. During the Vietnam War, moralists ended up on the side of 'peace'. But earlier, during the period leading up to World War II, some of the loudest moralists(on the Liberal and Leftist side of course) were for war(against evil Nazis).

Spencer hates the Northeast Coast Puritan and/or Reformist heritage because he conflates it with all the SJW or NPC nonsense we see all around us. He seems to believe such mindset was always anti-white or on the 'left', but it wasn't always so. For much of American History, the Protestant Reformists(with roots in Puritanism) were on the side of white identity, white power, and white expansion. Their view of America as a City on a Hill with a unique destiny lent moral and spiritual blessing on the White American Project.
Furthermore, the Southern Aristocracy, though proud of their military honor, were also moralistic in defense of their local power and customs. After all, Southern Whites regarded slavery not merely as an economic system but a moral good in transforming black savages into semi-civilized folks. In their own way, the Southerners were just as moralistic as the Northeast Protestants. And for a time, their moral visions complemented one another as the slave trade and economy couldn't have been possible without the cooperation between North and South. Eventually, their moral visions diverged, but this is where the North was on firmer grounds because, surely, an argument against slavery is more moral than argument for slavery. No matter how much the South tried to morally defend slavery, it wasn't very convincing because of the nature of slavery and the principles of American Founding that stressed the dignity of man. Now, if the South wanted to make a moral case against Emancipation of Black Slaves, the ONLY justification would have been on biological grounds: Whites and Blacks are naturally different, with blacks being naturally stronger, more aggressive, more impulsive, and less intelligent. Also, as free black guys could easily whup white guys, white men would lose manhood if the races were integrated. Also, as black men got more muscle and bigger dongs than white men, white guys would suffer not only beatings but the humiliation of seeing their women get infected with jungle fever and run off with Negroes to give birth to Negrolets. In a way, Abraham Lincoln understood this. Though he knew that the Abolitionists were too naive in their idealism, he also knew that Southern moralism about slavery was hogwash. While it was true that African savages surely gained something under white rule, the fact was slavery was really about profits and greed. Lincoln sought a middle-ground between the naive & zealous Abolitionists and the disingenuous Southern apologists of slavery. He instinctively grasped the problems that would result from racial differences. Having had humble beginnings, he may have developed a more clear-eyed view of Negro men and their strength. He was caught between two moralistic camps, one that wallowed in righteous supremacism on account of wanting to free the slaves AND one that indulged in racial supremacism on account of civilizing the savage Negroes via the 'necessary evil' of slavery. In both camps, there was the unity of 'martiality' and morality. Abolitionists were so morally righteous in their fury that they called for use of military might on the South; and Southern whites were so proud of their culture of military honor that they summoned moral justification to maintain the system of black bondage. It was moralism-to-might vs might-to-moralism. At any rate, even the South understood that it couldn't justify slavery on might and money alone because such moral logic would have implied the South only cared about might and money. People want to feel morally justified. There is honor even among thieves. The lesson of the American Civil War points to the danger not only of naive moralism(of the Abolitionists) but disingenuous moralism(of the Southern Aristocracy). Lincoln had good sense because he was about Moral Realism. He understood that slavery wasn't tenable in the American Republic(and increasingly around the world awakening to moral progress and dignity of man) but also understood that reality isn't merely about 'good intentions', i.e. no matter how well-intentioned the Abolitionist may have been, the fact remained that racial differences were real and blacks posed a real threat to the white race. This is why Lincoln suggested, "We must free the Negroes and give them a separate nation because them black boys will kick our ass and take our womenfolk."
Regardless of the founding principles of any order, there are more than one way to employ those principles. Just like every side invoked God as being on its side in war(even when the worshiped the same God), there was no guarantee that the founding moral principles of America would naturally favor one side over another. Rather, it is the side that works hardest, toughest, and smartest that gets to use the moralism to its benefit. Take the Jews. There is no guarantee that the essence of the Shoah Narrative will support Zionism. Zionism can be spun as a moral response to the horrors of the Holocaust or an immoral betrayal of its lessons. One can argue that Jews need a homeland to preserve themselves from a potentially hostile world OR one can argue that Jews have acted like Nazis against the Palestinians. As all of history is diseased with germs of human compromise, even the 'good guys' and 'saints' are tarnished with much 'sin'. America was a great creation, but the native Indians had to be 'genocided'. In World War II, aka the 'Good War', the good guys beat the bad guys, but even the good guys did an awful lot of bad shit... and even the bad guys had some redeeming qualities. Imperialism destroyed so many peoples and cultures around the world but also paved the way for something new and promising. And anti-imperialist struggles overcame foreign invaders, but sometimes the results were more horrific than conditions under foreign rule: Cambodia under Khmer Rouge and Uganda under Idi Amin. So, the good and bad will always be mixed in history, and that means there is no guarantee that a set of moral principles will favor one side over another. It largely depends on who gets to spin the narrative. It's usually those with the most resolve, commitment, talent, intelligence, drive, and money. Blaming America's moralism for White Decline is disingenuous because that very moralism had been so useful for white power throughout US history. It was useful against the American Indians: White folks brought vision and hope to a land inhabited by crazy savages. It was useful against blacks: White folks need to rule over blacks who were savages in Africa and in need of a strong guiding hand. It was useful for Anglo-Americans in relation to white ethnic immigrants: Anglo-Americans achieved the most and attained the highest levels of civilization and progress, therefore newcomers must assimilate to Anglo-Americanism. (For a time, even many Jews agreed with the template.) It was useful for America's entry into the Game of Empire: The US should exert hegemony over places like Philippines because it's the moral duty of White America to uplift backward peoples. All these actions were sanctioned by American brand of moralism, and the result was expansion of White American power around the world.
Why did things begin to change? There was, to be sure, a brand of Moral Reformism that became perhaps overly critical of the failings of one's own civilization. But then, a civilization is better off with some critical element than wholly without. Without sharp criticism, a social order will grow accustomed to all its failings and grow stagnant. Most civilizations throughout history were uncritical of themselves and fell into decline, like Byzantium, Persians, Ottomans, and Manchu-ruled China. Granted, excessive self-criticism can also be debilitating, but for most of American History, there was a balance between the constructive side and critical side. Then, what upended this balance? One reason was the Jews with a stronger and more ingenious Culture of Critique. Also, whereas Anglo-Americans had the vision thing and reformist mentality, they were no match for Jews with their prophetic ability of threading so many strands of history, philosophy, science, and spirituality into a single unified idea. Even if history has disproved many ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, they captivated and fascinated many prominent people because of their ability to bring together so many disparate ideas and trends into a Total Vision. And the reason why Ayn Rand has such a cult following was the combination of her force of personality and totalizing concept of the Individual-as-Hero grounded in history, philosophy, and myth. Right or wrong, Big Ideas tend to prevail over small ideas, just like the concept of the one and only God beat out all the little pagan gods. It may be that the more modest Anglo/American empiricism offered a keener grasp of the truth via the accumulation of facts under the careful gaze of logic, but the mytho-spiritual side of man favors something of grand faith than minute facts. Even though Marx, Freud, and Rand claimed to be scientific and logical, the totality of their ideas came across as so awesome or profound that their admirers felt as if in the presence of higher power, a god(or at least a prophet). But even among less famous Jews with smaller ideas, there was the force of personality and persistence of will that intimidated and overwhelmed many white goyim who, being less intense in will and personality, caved under the spell of Jews. The rise of Jewish Power was crucial because it tipped the balance in favor of White Criticism over White Constructionism, in favor of White Guilt over White Pride. Prior to the rise of Jews, white guilt and white pride had been more-or-less in balance, somewhat tipped in favor of white pride that made white might possible. But once Jews gained greater influence in the White System, they provided added weight to white guilt on the seesaw of White Morality, and that is why white pride lost out. Still, it must be remembered that so much of white progress owed to a balance of white pride and white guilt. It was guilt that made for conscience and social progress toward more dignity for the common man. People like Spencer scoff at the notion of the 'common man' because, having read Nietzsche and watched BATMAN & 007 100x, they are obviously of the superior breed, which is why Spencer, in all his brilliance and wisdom, rushed into a marriage that soon proved loveless and then made an ass of himself with a bunch of hoors.

There was nothing inevitable about the foundational principles(be it spiritual, moral, or philosophical) of America eventually leading the nation to the state it is now. While SJW feminists with green hair, pins through their noses, and tattoos on their asses may appear to have the kind of quasi-religious zeal common among the Old Puritans, there was no certainty that religious puritanism would lead to the current degeneracy. Iran was established as an Islamic Republic with the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, but will Islamic puritanism or Fundamentalism lead to rise of green-hair feminist wenches in that country? Also, the foundational principles of modern Russia and China weren't laid down by religious zealots, but they sure went through some extreme periods of radical madness. While the 'puritanical' streak in America, in and of itself, could have been dangerous, it was mostly constructive in co-existence with American emphases on might and money. Just like the US government had checks and balance among the executive brand, legislative branch, and judicial branch, the American Civilization had a balance among the entrepreneurial class, military class(which, in some ways, included all armed Americans), and spiritual/reformist class(which, until the early 20th century, consisted of unity of pragmatic philosophy and reformist religion). The three influences checked and balanced each other, tempering the excesses of any particular one. American capitalism was restrained from materialistic excesses by moralism and religion. American ambition for more power was tempered by moral conscience and pragmatism of the business class. And American religiosity was checked by secular and material concerns. Perhaps, the problem is that the Separation of Church and State overlooked the danger that social philosophy or ideology could also become something like a quasi-religion. So, even though theocratic power was prevented from taking control of Americanism(due to individualism inherent in democracy and property rights), a quasi-religion like Jew-worship, MLK-worship, and Homoamania were allowed to become official state dogma and policy. Because such are not religions in the technical sense, they could worm into the power of the state. So, while courts could strike down School Prayer and display of Ten Commandments on government buildings, the fact remained that cults like Negro-worship, Jew-worship, and Homo-worship could slip by Rules and Principles governing separation of Church and State. Then, what we need is something more than Separation of Church and State. We need separation of Worship and State. Anything, even if not technically religious, that is worshiped and protected by taboos & sacraments must be forbidden to become the official dogma of the State. We should know from communist history that a state can turn even mortals and a materialist philosophy into something akin to a religion. US found a way to prevent the rise of theocracy but failed to forestall an ideocracy and idolatry because secular quasi-religions could slip into the inner sanctum of power as rational or political concerns. Take mantras like 'Diversity Is Our Strength' or DIOS. They aren't rational ideas or arguments but mindless matters of faith that one is expected to repeat and accept on faith... because if you raise questions about the validity, you will be hounded as a heretic.
The sheer illogic of the Official Dogma is evident in how the Progs lionize both Indigenous Folks and Immigrants. But in fact, indigenous folks of America were destroyed by mass immigration-invasion from the Old World. More immigration meant more westward expansion into indigenous Indian territory, and that meant less land for the natives. So, it makes no sense to honor both indigenous folks and immigrants in the same breath. Now, Jews who control the media and academia are trying to pull a dirty trick. According to twisted Jewish logic, both indigenous folks and immigrants(esp non-white ones) have been at odds with White Americans. After all, white Americans came and took land from the indigenous Indians. And white Americans, for a long time, allowed mostly white immigration while excluding non-whites. But this overlooks the fact that whites in America also arrived as conquerors, settlers, and immigrants. And non-whites, such as blacks and Chinese, did their part in building Modern America that finished off the Indians. Also, if white folks who 'stole' land from the Indians owe something to the natives, I can't think of anything worse than allowing MORE IMMIGRATION so that the once-Indian-land will fill up even more with foreigners from the Old World or with browns from South of the Border who have no roots in North America. Notice how the devious Jews have defined both 'indigenous' folks and 'immigrant' folks as belonging to the same 'progressive' camp of Diversity when, if anything, it was the coming of Immigration and Diversity that laid waste to the indigenous native folks and cultures of the Americas. (And it seems most Indians are too stupid to even realize this.)

Anyway, there are many ways to use moralism to justify just about anything. In the end, those with the power decide. Granted, there are limits to any system on the basis of its foundational principles. Marxist-Leninist principles made it difficult to introduce market reforms into communist systems because ideology does matter. And the US Constitution does put brakes on Jewish Globalist attempt to take away our speech-and-gun rights. Also, when a system does something that goes against its moral foundations, there is bound to be contradictions that may lead to crisis. America's founding as a Nation for Free Peoples and its practice of slavery definitely led to moral crisis that exploded with the Civil War.
But back then, when white folks had decisive power, even the Civil War was spun as a moral credit to the white race. After all, Walt Whitman beamed with pride that America was the FIRST nation to fight a war to end slavery. Thus, the Civil War was seen as redemptive than condemnatory of the White American experiment. Furthermore, Anglo elites of the North eventually came to see eye-to-eye with Anglo elites of the South, especially as both groups of shared lineage came under increasing pressure from ethnic European immigrants. It was really only with the rise of Jewish Power that the White South came under special attack and opprobrium, which is rather ironic since Jews demand that we all support Apartheid-like policies in the West Bank(and even inside Israel). Also, given that Gorbachev and Deng embarked on drastic transformations despite the communist foundations of their nations(indeed, even by rationalizing that their market and/or liberal reforms were in line with Marxist-Leninist ideology) goes to show that any ideology can be stretched, twisted, and turned in so many ways by those in Power. Therefore, it is rather ridiculous to blame current American woes on its founding principles, be they religious, economic, or military. Also, one could just as easily blame America's foundations of money and might for the current troubles. After all, the current SJW nuttery has as much to do with capitalist excess, consumerist piggery, and materialist nihilism as with anything else. Indeed, just how did justice come to be associated with boundless vanity and preening narcissism of idiots who write for Salon and Huffington Post? And who funds Homomania? Wall Street and Hollywood. Also, how did US come to be an imperialist power instead of one that minds its own business and respects the sovereignty of others? It was the cult of might, that American Power must be used to show the world who is boss. So, American woes can be seen as the product of the corruption of all three: Money, Might, and Moralism. It wasn't American 'puritanism' that led to craziness like 'gay marriage'. Rather, it was American Money that funded homo vanity as the 'new leftism'. And it was American might that decided to take up the banner of Holy Homo as the new justification for World Conquest. Apparently, there won't be justice around the world until the homo colors are planted as victory flag in every nation. When one considers the sheer mendacity of America's business class and the sheer idiocy of its military class, it's not just the moralist traditions of America that have rotted to the core. The demeanor and attitude of American generals from Gulf War to present conflicts suggest a class of clowns. And America's Deep State is filled with will-to-power lunatics whose worldview is hardly different from Spencer's. Of course, they are careful to mouth the same old platitudes about 'equality' and 'diversity', but if we judge them by what they do as opposed to what they say, they are really just vile dogs who will do anything to concentrate even more power among themselves. This is why, if indeed Spencer loves power so much, he should have just shut up about 'white nationalism' and joined the Deep State where he could rub shoulders with vain, egotistical, and sociopathic scum who dominate policy in the CIA, FBI, NSA, Pentagon, and etc. Just consider how these types reacted to the victory of Donald Trump. Sure, they bitch about how they must oppose Trump-the-fascist, but the real reason they hate Trump is he campaigned as a populist candidate who won by calling out on the Deep State(the Swamp) and called for end of Mideast Wars(and better relations with Russia). Granted, Trump is being swallowed up by the Swamp, but it only goes to show that the Deep State is crypto-Spencerist. The real difference is the Deep State is smart enough to hide its supremacism to perpetuate itself, whereas Spencer, by blurting out that he wants to be Darth Vader over all mankind, has marked himself as a scapegoat.

Anyway, for most of American History, the three sides of the triangle — spiritual/moral conviction, material/moneyed enterprise, and martial/masculine courage — served it well. Each on its own could have easily lost itself to excess but was tempered by the other two. While there were extremists among the spiritual-moral types, they also existed among the martial and material types. During the Cold War, some US generals wanted all-out nuclear war. They were like mini-Hitlers or General Jack D. Ripper. And the history of American business is as full of greed, foulness, and corruption as well as ingenuity, vision, and enterprise. Take one look at what gambling and pornification of mainstream culture have done to America, and it's obvious that unchecked materialism has it own madness. Military extremism and Materialist extremism are just as ugly as Moral extremism.
The big question is how did American moralism, which had done so much good in pushing forth reforms, go so wrong? Granted, it had gone terribly wrong with movements like the Prohibition, but still, the themes of Prohibition were at least serious because so many lives had been destroyed by alcohol. Also, the Civil Rights Movement was a great moral movement that called for justice for blacks. Its ultimate failure had less to do with the themes of the Movement itself than the fact, all too overlooked by many, of real racial differences. If those who supported the Civil Rights Movement ignored the reality of racial differences, those opposed to the movement only stressed the matter of black inferiority, thereby coming across as arrogant, supremacist, and bigoted. They should have stressed areas in which blacks had an advantage over whites. Thus, they could have opposed the Movement on grounds of not only white superiority(in intelligence) but white inferiority(in muscle power) that would doom white race to biological-slave status under the tougher black race that would intimidate and beat up weaker whites and conquer white wombs infected with jungle fever. In the end, it was the failure to speak the True Truth that undermined so much of white power, security, and well-being.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Will the Convergence of the First World and Third World Happen? Some Thoughts on Guillaume Durocher's Attempts to Debunk the Convergence Theory and How Jewish Supremacist Power plays into All of This.

Both Daron Acemoglu and Guillaume Durocher are failing to see the big picture and missing the point. There are more than one kind of Convergence, and it is likely to happen due to globalist pressures. And these Convergences will involve mass migration and mass miscegenation. (Or, if genetic engineering becomes a thing in the near-future, various peoples around the world could end up with 'improved' traits in areas of intelligence, temperament, strength, height, and health.)

Old models fail in the globalizing world because all borders have been rendered porous by mass communication & social networking, the predominance of the Zionist-US empire that can intervene or even invade any part of the world -- the USSR limited US expansionism during the Cold War and vice versa -- , easy mass migration of peoples by planes, boats, and even on foot(as national borders, especially in the Africa-Middle-East-Europe-America) are either undefended or have been breached beyond repair. Globalism is replacing settlement-mentality with neo-nomadism of both the 'creative' classes and the 'desperate' masses. It's no wonder that the upper elites of 'creatives' identify somewhat with the lower masses of 'desperates'. Part of the reason is, of course, the elites attend Politically Correct institutions where 'diversity' and 'inclusion' are holy mantras, but it also has to do with the fact that the elites live in their own well-protective bubble of gentrified downtown areas or college communities. For them, the masses of Third World peons have either symbolic value(for 'woke' virtue among their apologists) without having to rub shoulders with them OR economic value as cheap labor to mow lawns and change diapers, especially as elite women are too busy pursuing their careers than rearing their children. So, upper class to upper middle class have much to gain from supporting mass Third World migration. They pat themselves on the back as compassionate 'progressives' while knowing full well that their own social and economic spheres will not be negatively impacted by the newcomers. If anything, the browns from south of the border may be socially useful in serving as a buffer between elite whites/Jews/Asians and urban blacks with criminal tendencies. Why not make the browns take the lumps from the blacks or use the brown mass to push out the blacks so that the communities may later be gentrified more peaceably? In contrast, the Middle Class and Working Class haven't much to gain from globalism and mass-migration-invasion. They are replaced by cheaper H1V holders from India, or their wages are undercut by supply of new labor eager to work for a pittance, that is if the jobs haven't already been shipped to China or some other place.
As Karl Marx said, economics goes a long way to determine consciousness, and the erosion of national economies weakened the elite's sense of connection to their own national folk. In the past, US companies had to hire US workers first and foremost. So, there developed a national bond among owners, managers, and workers. But with globalism, the owners could shop for cheap labor around the world, and when China opened to World Trade, the owner class saw a golden opportunity. All those yellow peons had decent work ethic and were willing to work for fraction of the wages(and without the benefits) of American workers. So, the owner class went on a shopping spree for global labor. As the owner class was no longer economically bound to American workers, it became increasingly cut off from them emotionally as well. It was cheaper for the members of the owner class to champion the Global Diversity because it meant they could gain access to ever cheaper pools of labor. It's like a man's connection to his wife and kids grows weaker IF he could 'shop around' for new women to hump and have fun with. There used to be an economic and emotional marriage between the owner class and national folk in the West. But globalism privileged the upper-owner class in letting them sever their ties to the national masses -- let the white working class wallow in junk culture and died of opioids, and good riddance -- , and they became enamored of the cheaper and more pliable work force around the world. So, the underlying motives of globalism are the most naked kind of capitalism and profiteering ever concocted by man.
But, because it wouldn't be good publicity for the globo-owner class to bluntly admit this ugly truth -- "we dumped the national folks in favor of cheaper peons around the world" -- , they've moralized their agenda with slogans about 'diversity' and 'inclusion'. Thus, we are to believe that the super-rich oligarchic class is pushing mass-migration and 'free trade' not because it's insatiably greedy but because it has a bleeding heart for all those teeming masses around the world. Of course, upper classes don't need to worry about the profound social transformations of entire nations as the result of Third World mass-invasions because they themselves live in mansions, haute gentrified areas, or elite college towns. The real brunt of the mass transformation will fall on everyone from Middle Class to Working Class to native Lower Class.
Now, one would think the masses would have the moral upper-hand against the greedy owner class that no longer cares about them. After all, the owner class is only making things nicer for itself by sacrificing the National Working Folk in favor of cheaper and more docile labor(or even oppressed and exploited labor in the Third World with hardly any recourse to legal protections). But because of the Deep State collaboration between Big Capital and Big Think, today's so-called 'progressives' offer up nice-sounding terms and slogans to tip the moral advantage to the owner class. So, you see, the owner class isn't greedily out for more profits and privilege. Oh no, they are just a bunch of do-gooders who want to 'welcome' the World, whereas the National Working Folk are 'far right', 'xenophobic', 'racist', and 'exclusive'. Never mind that no nation is viable as a people, culture, and history unless it has secure borders, emotional bond between elites and masses, and a sense of cultural & historical distinctness. After all, imagine if Israel had open borders and declared that ANY newcomer will be welcomed as a New Jew. How long would Israel or Jewish culture last under such suicidal barrage? Indeed, how was Palestine wiped off the map to make way for Israel? Because of mass-migration of Jews into Palestine, which eventually led to Jews replacing Palestinians as the main inhabitants of the Holy Land. Of course, Jews were sly and sneaky in this. For awhile, they pretended as though they merely wanted to become New Palestinians. Until the creation of Israel, the Zionists labeled many of their endeavors and businesses as 'Palestinian' to give the false impression that they just wanted to be part of Palestine than replace it with a new political template. So, much of Zionist activity had gone under the umbrella of Palestinian-ism. But when Jews began to realize they had the upperhand(not least with the backing of great powers UK, US, and USSR), they made their move to replace Palestinians and turn Palestine into Israel. Given what Jewish mass migration-invasion did to the Palestinians(who are now mowed down by IDF death squads in Gaza and suffer indignities of Apartheid-style colonization in the West Bank, their last remaining territory of any substance), how can any truly conscientious person support mass-migration? The main, indeed the ONLY REAL, reason why Palestinians lost their homeland and were reduced to the sorry state of penury today is due to mass-migration-invasion. Demography Is Destiny or DID, and Jews sure proved it in Palestine, now Israel. Given the obvious historical injustice, why do the supposedly humanitarian US and EU support Israel and Zionists against Palestinians(and other Muslim and/or Arab 'enemies' of Israel)? Because Jewish Supremacist elites control America that, in turn, controls the EU.
Another example of why Open Borders or Broken Borders pose a huge problem is Syria. If Syria had been able to protect its borders, it could have avoided the prolonged war that killed 500,000 people, maimed millions more, and displaced millions who, in turn, barged into other nations. Why did Syria fall apart? Because the nations around Syria, especially Saudi-Arabia-Israel-Turkey, all conspired with Neocons and Liberal Zionists in the US to bring down the secular modernizing regime of Assad. So, they violated Syrian borders and injected toxic Jihadi elements to wreak havoc in town after town. The wonders that befall a nation when it loses control of its borders! It's no wonder Zionist-Globalists love Open Borders for goy nations, all the while doggedly guarding borders for Jews in Israel. Israel is stable, secure, and peaceful because it gets to control who gets in and why. In contrast, Syria lost that power, and it got invaded by terrorists and mercenaries from all sides. The US, which had entered the Middle East on grounds of fighting the War on Terror against Alqaeda, made common cause with rebranded Alqaeda going by the name of Al Nusra and promoted by the Deep State and Media as 'moderate rebels'.
We can easily note the advantage of border control versus the folly of no border control in the relation between Israeli Jews and West Bank Palestinians. There are walls and tight border security to prevent Palestinians in West Bank from freely entering Israel. So, Jewish Israel is safe and secure from potential Arab invasion from West Bank. But Palestinians in West Bank have no border security against Jews in Israel. The Jewish-built walls are meant to defend Israel from Arabs in West Bank, not to defend West Bank from Jews in Israel(and from around the world). So, Jewish 'settlers' -- really invaders and colonizers -- continue to encroach upon West Bank to carve up EVEN MORE territories for Greater Israel. So, from the Jewish-Palestinian dynamics between Israel and West Bank, which side has the advantage? Jews with border security against Palestinians or Palestinians with no border security against Jews? The answer is obvious.

Now, why is the rich, advanced, and powerful West for open borders? Why do they forsake border security and choose to be like Palestinians than like Israeli Jews? Why do they want their homelands to become like West Bank(a territory with no border security for its native population that continues to be replaced by Jewish 'settlers') than like Israel(a powerful nation with security & stability and pride of identity, culture, and history)? It's because Jews have taken over the elite institutions of the West and regard the West as one giant West Bank. With their immense wealth, Jews have bought off so many goy politicians to do their bidding. Jews hate the idea of national borders and security among goy nations because it could mean erecting barriers against total Jewish penetration and takeover. Jews love the idea of Israel for Jews but hate the idea of any goy nation putting its own people, culture, and history first because it means less of a chance for guys like George Soros to take over. This is also why Jews push globo-homo stuff all over the world. It is to weaken national identity, especially among the elites. It is also useful in replacing class politics with neo-aristocratism(as homos tend to be vain and narcissistic and drawn to wealth and privilege) in Progressive Circles. Also, if people get to thinking that a man with a wig can be a 'woman', it undermines the idea of rooted or real identity altogether. If any man can become a 'woman', maybe anyone can become a New European just by setting foot on Europe and learning a few French or German words. Replace Mayday with Gayday.
But Jews don't merely buy off corrupt politicians like Chinese elite minority does in Southeast Asia or Asian-Indian minority does in Kenya. Jews gain control of academia & media and spread the new gospel of 'diversity' and 'inclusion', both of which are just weasel words for New Imperialism. After all, most diversity around the world is the product of imperialism. Latin American Diversity owes to imperialism, 'genocide', slavery, and mass immigration-invasion. Just ask the native browns there. The Soviet Union was most diverse when it had imperial dominion over various nationalities. Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire were most diverse at the peak of their powers. For Jews, diversity is useful because, as a minority elite, they fear a united goy national front against them. So, they seek to increase diversity in all goy nations to use divide-and-rule tactics. The reason why British Imperialism over India was far more effective than European & Japanese imperialism in China was because the British as one people ruled over diverse tribes in India, whereas the Chinese as one people were ruled by diverse imperialists. British rule was finally doomed when Gandhi and other inspired leaders found a way to bring masses of tribes in India together as ONE people.

Jews know that the masses of goyim will wake up to what the Tribe is really up to if it only uses bribery and corruption to buy off goy politicians and the like. So, Jewish Power works very hard to moralize their globo-homo neo-imperialist project. Via mass media(totally controlled by Jews in the US and many parts of the West) and academia -- notice how George Soros sets up gender-studies-centric universities all over the world -- , Jews seek to moralize and idealize the New Imperialism. So, even though Diversity has always been the product of imperialism, peoples all over the world have been made to chant the mantra of 'Diversity is our strength'. If so, why doesn't Israel go about changing its immigration policy so that Israel will become majority non-Jewish? If MORE Diversity is good for all the world, more diversity would be good for Israel too, right? Jewish power also has everyone chanting about 'inclusion' when it's a weasel word for 'invasion'. After all, look what happened to Palestinians because they were forced to 'include' Jewish migration. They ended up being replaced. What happened to American Indians who had no choice but to 'include' mass immigration from the Old World? They got 'genocided' and pushed into 'reservations', losing their sacred homeland forever. Should Tibetans and Uighurs celebrate the fact that they're forced to 'include' the mass-migration-invasion by Han Chinese? I suppose we should remember the British Imperialists as the good guys because they forced 1/3 of the world to 'include' them as colonizers and traders. That is if 'inclusion' is so great. What happened to Syria because it was forced to 'include' every Jihadi armed and supplied by Saudis, Israelis, Turks, and US? It got torn asunder into hell on earth. The Zionist-directed US military still occupies 1/3 of Syria illegally. Or, should we say the US military is making Syria 'include' it? Imagine that. Today's so-called 'progressives' not only support mass illegal-immigration of the West but the West's illegal military-invasion of the Middle East and North Africa. Again, to understand what is really going on and why, we have to notice the Jewish Hand in all this. The fact is Jews use the West to smash any nation hated by Israel in the Middle East. The saying, "Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" is most apt. Consider that Israel has 300 nukes while Iran has NONE and passed all international inspections with flying colors(while Israel won't allow any inspection of its nuclear facilities), BUT the Zionist-controlled Western Narrative is the US must do something to protect Israel from nuclear Iran. It can't get any more surreal than that. Just think. Israel has nukes and won't allow inspections while Iran has no nukes and allows inspections. But we are reminded over and over that Israel needs to be protected from nuclear Iran. LOL. If you believe that, you might even believe in the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Hoax. (Yet, the very people in media, academia, and government who pushed the biggest conspiracy hoax of all time say that 'fake news' should be shut down for obfuscating the truth.) Netanyahu and Bolton, or Master and Dog.

There is a perverse logic to the Jewish globo-homo strategy of the two-way invasion. Jewish Power urges the US to act as the Lone Superpower around the world. After the implosion of the Soviet Empire, the US too could have decreased its imperial presence around the world. During the Cold War, US empire was at least justifiable as bulwark against the Soviet Empire and vice versa. But with the USSR having given up on empire and revolution, there was no more threat to the so-called Free World. And many Americans were looking forward to scaling down the US role as globo-cop(which was often like globo-gangster). But just around the time the Cold War ended, Jews took over as the New Elites of the US that was made to flex its muscles and shake its fist as the Sole Hegemon. One reason was to bolster Israel as the lone superpower in the Middle East. So, by cooking up one excuse after another and painting every other leader in the Arab/Muslim leader as the New Hitler and every crisis as New Munich, Jewish Power goaded the US into wars in the Middle East and North Africa that turned those nations upside down(while Jews in Israel observed the destruction with amused glee). The New Imperialism said the US has 'inclusion' rights in any nation. If the US power wants IN, the nation-in-question better 'include' the US military... or else be invaded the most violent shock-and-awe manner. The US could invoke 'human rights', 'WMD', 'War on Terror'(even though US was, more often than not, allied with terrorists against secular modern Arab nations), 'stopping nuclear threat'(even though it was none other than Israel that is armed to the teeth with nukes and even sent nuclear technology to Apartheid South Africa back in the day), 'saving Kurds', or any half-baked rationale to invade the Muslim World. And the Muslim World better 'include' the US military invasion because even more bombs will be rained down on the if it says NO. (Notice the US, which claims to care so much about the Kurds, never cares for Palestinians or about restoring stolen Golan Heights to Syria.) Jews love the New Imperialism because they control the West and get to use Western Might to destroy any nation they don't like. Of course, Jews would be opposed to New Imperialism IF Palestinian-Americans were the ruling elites of the US and used American Might to smash Zionists in the name of liberating the tyrannized Palestinian people. It's all about who-has-the-power. Imagine if US government had tons of Palestinian-American elite operatives that called on economic sanctions on Israel for its nuclear program, mistreatment of Palestinians, warmongering against Lebanon & Syria, and aid to ISIS. Suppose these sanctions did to Israel what sanctions did to Iraq in the 1990s: Result in the deaths of 100,000s of Jewish women and babies. Then, you bet that Jews would oppose the New Imperialism. But they are all for it because THEY get to use it anyway they want. Since Jews totally control the media and academia, they get to decide what is 'progressive'. Because New Imperialism is good for Jewish Power, the Tribe pushes it as the 'new progressivism'. And since most goy 'progressives' are mental slaves of Jewish Power, they drink the Kool Aid and go along. But then, things have gotten so bad that some conscientious Jews have said ENOUGH and quit the Deep State neo-imperialist media.

By now, people should wise up to the speciousness of so-called Jewish 'progressives' who are not true Leftists or Progressives but merely using ideology as cover for what is a supremacist form of tribalism. For example, it's so disingenuous when Jews claim to care about Muslim Refugees. Notice that Jews never mention the fact that all those Muslims(along with Arab Christians) became refugees in the first place only because of Wars for Israel in Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. There would be no Syrian refugees if that nation hadn't been torn apart. It was smashed because Jewish-controlled US gave the go-ahead to Turkey and Saudi Arabia to fund and support foreign terrorists there. And Israel gleefully egged on the catastrophe from the sidelines, even aiding ISIS and bombing Syria on and off. Notice that Jews never say they want to prevent people from becoming refugees. That's because, in order to prevent such tragedy, there must be no more Wars for Israel. But Jews love these Wars for Israel, and their operatives in academia, media, and government do everything to push for more wars in the Muslim Middle East. Thomas Friedman has openly supported ISIS against Assad. So, Jews don't mind millions of people being displaced and turned into refugees. THAT isn't the moral issue as far as Jews are concerned. Instead, the moral issue is the West must take in these poor helpless refugees. Never mind it was the Wars for Israel that turned all those people into refugees in the first place. Never mind that Israel won't take in these refugees. Indeed, Saudi Arabia, now an ally of Israel, won't take the refugees either. Israel won't even offer up stolen Golan heights for respite for Syrian refugees. Oh no, Jews like Soros and Co. steer all those refugees to the West and guilt-bait white goyim into taking them in... possibly to empty parts of Syria so that Israel can take over to create Even Greater Israel. The very people who've done the most harm to the Middle East and Muslim nations with New Imperialism and Wars for Israel(and sanctions that killed 100,000s of lives in Iraq) go about pontificating like they are moral saints. Imagine Nazi Germany invading Poland, displacing millions of Poles-as-refugees, and then whining about how the rest of the world won't take in those poor helpless Polish refugees. That'd be vile, wouldn't it? It is precisely what Jews do with Western Might in the Middle East.
Of course, unlike Nazi Germans, Jews can get away with it more easily because the West is still ostensibly ruled by goyim. People fail to notice that most politicians in US and UK are mere puppets of Jewish oligarchs. And most people still don't know that Jews control most of the media in the US, which means that Jewish elites get to decide who gets to work in mass media. (Notice how the Jewish oligarchic network in Deep State and Big Tech have worked together to shut down Alex Jones. Now, Jones is a kook who said crazy things, but the real reason why they took him out is not because of his nutty statements about Sandy Hook but honest and true statements about the New Imperialism in Syria, Libya, and Ukraine. And it's rich that the very people who pushed the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Hoax and Fake News from the highest levels of government and media-academia-complex are accusing others of 'fake news' and conspiracy theories. It's surreal, like Israel-armed-with-nukes accusing Iran that has no nukes. In the current order, Israel that violates all international norms, bombs Syria, steals Palestinian territory, and has 300 nukes is showered with billions of dollars in aid while Iran that allows nuclear inspections and has no nukes is crippled with endless economic sanctions. Jewish Justice. Based on all evidence, who can deny that US is governed by Zionist gangster-supremacism? Rule of Law is now a myth in America. The 'truth' is whatever Jewish Power says it is. If you disagree and speak the truth, Jews say you're engaging in 'hate speech' and must be shut down and blacklisted.)

Now, why are both Daron Acemoglu and Guillaume Durocher wrong about Convergence? They are wrong for different reasons. Acemoglu, for reasons that are opportunistic/craven or sincere/naive, rejects the Human Bio-Diversity(or HBD) explanation for Global Differences. He thinks blacks are just whites or yellows with black skin, yellows are just whites or blacks with yellow skin, and whites are just blacks or yellows with white skin. Skin Color is the ONLY difference among the races. So, all those Africans are really just Swiss or Japanese with black skin. 100,000s of yrs of evolutionary divergence of various human populations all over the world had no impact on anything but skin color. Some will argue that the evolutionary divergence of Europeans and Africans is 60,000 or 80,000 yrs, but that fails to acknowledge that Out-of-Africa was really Out-of-North-Africa. Even before Homo Sapiens left North Africa, the peoples in North Africa had already diverged from people in rest of Africa by more than 100,000 yrs. So, the evolutionary divergence between Europeans and SUB-SAHARAN Africans is more than 100,000 yrs. Now, different environments -- for most of human existence, people lived in natural environments -- favor different mental, emotional, temperamental, and attitudinal traits. If there were two rooms, and if one room zapped anyone who fidgeted too much while another room zapped anyone who sat still for prolonged periods, the result would be two groups with different temperaments. In the room where people who fidget are zapped out of existence, people who tend to be calmer will survive and breed. In the room where people who sit still are zapped out of existence, people who tend to be mobile and fidgety will survive and breed. Different environments and climates call for different skills and tendencies, and over long periods, populations in different areas will tend to have more of one kind of traits than another. Also, to the extent that cultural factors also play a key role in selective breeding, the cultural priorities of a people will tend to favor certain traits. If there are two communities and if one community favors the strongest while the other community favors the smartest, they will undergo different selection processes, especially in non-monogamous societies. As men like to hump women, the strongest guys in the pro-strong society will breed with the most women and pass down their genes, and the smartest guys in the pro-smart society will breed with the most women and pass down their genes. This can have a big impact in even a few thousand yrs(or even over several centuries; after all, the dog has been domesticated from the wolf for only a few thousand yrs, and look at the variety due to selective breeding). Is it any wonder that Jews often say, "A Jew is more likely to own a football team than play in one"? Jews culturally and genetically evolved in communities where brains were most prized among scholars or merchants/financiers. Most black Africans, until recently, lived in primitive hunter-warrior societies where one's strength as hunter, rhythm as dancer, and prowess as humper(big dong and bouncy booties) were most prized. Then, it is any wonder that Jews are renowned around the world as scientists, writers, intellectuals, professors, lawyers, and financiers whereas blacks are famous around the world as boxers, football players, basketball players, rappers, bump-n-grinders, and 'twerkers'? Black women came up with a style of dancing where they shake their booties like they're having sex with a mega-dong. Notice all TV and music industry are owned by Jews. Notice how so many sports teams and most of mass media are controlled by Jews. Big Tech and Big Pharma are also Jewish-heavy, along with Wall Street and Law Firms. In contrast, blacks are prominent in endeavors that all for strong-song-and-dong. Now, some will argue that this is all about culture, BUT culture had selective pressure on evolution over centuries and millenniums. We can demonstrate this with the Blug-and-Bleek Experiment. Suppose there is a black community in the US, and suppose we randomly divide the community in half. Roughly, the two groups are more or less alike because they were of a single community. Now, suppose we favor the black thugs or blugs in New Group A. Those blacks who are most muscled, aggressive, abrasive, and loud are favored for mating. The blugs are lionized the most, and most women try to mate with blugs. Over time, blug genes will spread far and wide, and the community will be filled with tough and mean blacks like Mike Tyson and NFL defensive linemen. Now, suppose we favor the black geeks or bleeks in the other community, New Group B. We select the blacks who are most studious, intelligent, and even-tempered. They become the most prestigious members of society, and many black women mate with them. Then, bleek genes will spread far and wide. Over many centuries, the Blug community and Bleek community will be markedly different. The Blug community will have guys who can whup the guys of the Bleek community, but the Bleek community will have guys who are more likely to excel in business and enterprise. This is how genetics works. It's how evolution works. But PC says genes have NOTHING to do with IQ and other factors, at least in an inter-group way. So, while PC admits that some individuals are smarter than others, it says no group has a greater number of intelligent individuals than another group. But using this logic, we should also say no group has faster and tougher individuals than any other group. Then, how come tiny Jamaica produces faster runners than all of China, Russia, India, Europe, Middle East, White America, and Brown Latin America? PC is the superstition of our age, and it's not really about equality but about promoting the superiority of certain favored groups, especially Jews, homos, and blacks. James Watson would not have gotten in trouble if he surmised that Syrians might be more intelligent than Peruvian Indians. He wouldn't have gotten in trouble if he surmised that blacks might be smarter than whites(and time will bear this out). He got in trouble because he said blacks are inferior in IQ. This was a No-No because blacks are sacred objects in the West.

After all, why is Mandela so revered by the Jewish-controlled Western Media but Arafat is not even though Arafat also struggled for liberation of his people? It's because blacks are holier than Arabs/Palestinians. Of course, the other reason is Jews are Holy too by PC rules. Because Mandela was seen as struggling against Germanic whites(even though Jews monopolized the diamond trade in South Africa and Israel & Apartheid South Africa were the closest allies) whereas Arafat struggled against Zionist imperialists, of course the Jewish-run media will favor Mandela over Arafat. Also, Jews can use 'white guilt' about blacks to paralyze white pride and agency, but 'white guilt' about Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians would undermine Zionist agenda in the Middle East. If white people began to feel guilt about all the horrible things they've done to Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians, they might stop aiding the Zionist Supremacist agenda in Middle East and North Africa. So, whites are to feel guilty about South Africa but yawn about the countless Arabs and Muslims destroyed by Zionist-controlled US policy in the Middle East and North Africa? All those Iraqi kids killed by US sanctions? All those Palestinian kids mowed down by IDF death squads? All the Syrians destroyed by US-and-Saudi collusion to support terror? Just forget about it.

Anyway, if Acemoglu is wrong about Convergence because he's too cravenly or naively PC to even entertain the possibility that there might be genetic differences among groups other than skin color, Durocher is wrong about Convergence because he still thinks in terms of the Old National Model. For most of human history, invasions were gradual and limited. Both Russia and China expanded slowly. Also, they did as much to repel foreign invasions as move into new territories. Until the Age of Empire, most of the world wasn't interconnected. And even in the 20th century, most people stayed put in their own nations. Mass migration to the US was the great exception because of its vast size and riches. As such, it attracted peoples from all over looking for a short cut to modern prosperity(and/or freedom). Also, despite the global dominance of Hollywood, most nations had national media and national culture/identity. But in the internet age, the entire world has been flooded with the same streams of deracinating junk culture and trashy fashions. The great advantage of the internet is that once neglected voices finally reach an audience(however limited), but then, given that the biggest platforms are now monopolized by Zionist-supremacist oligarchs, there are all sorts of plans afoot to shut down BDS & pro-Palestinian voices, anti-war activists, European defenders of national sovereignty, and critics of Jewish Power & its globo-homo cult as the new spirituality. In Zionist-supremacist US, nearly half the states already have anti-BDS laws that force individuals and businesses into pledging support for the Zionist occupation of West Bank and murder of Palestinians in Gaza.

Jewish Power is trying to make this law federal in the way it pushed 'gay marriage'. So, even Palestinian-Americans with memories of Zionist terror must pledge support to Zionist tyranny against his/her own people if he/she wants to work for or do business with the government. It's ironic that Jews, who've long railed against McCarthyism(that only lasted a few yrs), are now pushing for persecution, censorship, and blacklisting beyond anything conceived by McCarthy and anti-communists. But then, the very Jewish Community that said the Soviet Threat was no big deal in the 1950s -- even though Jewish-American agents sent Stalin the secrets to the Bomb -- is now trying to cram totally unfounded Anti-Russia hysteria down our throats. That is some chutzpah.

Anyway, Convergence is likely to happen because of the spread of globalism to all corners of the world... with the exception of Israel, of course. The very Jews who demand that Hungary and Poland be open to mass migration-invasion say that all the world must support Israeli borders and the right of Israel to remain a Jewish State that prioritizes the survival and continuation of Jewish People, Culture, History, and Territory. Zionism in Israel is perfectly fine and is never demeaned as 'far right'. Netanyahu is just called 'right' or 'conservative'. But Viktor Orban is called 'far right', and why? Does he want to invade other nations? Does he want Hungarians to rule over non-Hungarians? No. The ONLY thing he wants is for Hungary to remain a nation for Hungarians, but THAT is deemed a crime against humanity. And even though he has the support of the majority of Hungarians, he is accused of being 'anti-democratic' because the will of Hungarians goes against the globo-homo agenda of oligarchs like George Soros. So, 'democracy', as far as Jews are concerned, is whatever they say it is. But such twisted logic is to be expected from a people who say nuclear-armed Israel must be defended from Iran with no nukes. It is to be expected from a people who say Israel that has 300 nukes and refuses international inspections deserves to be showered with billions in aid whereas Iran that has no nukes and allows international inspections must be economically sanctioned and strangled(or even invaded and destroyed by yet another War for Israel).

In a sane world, all national leaders should be like Viktor Orban who is nationalist and anti-imperialist. Orban sees himself as a Hungarian leader for Hungarian people. So, Hungarian identity and interests come first IN HUNGARY. That's why it's Hungary. It's the land of Hungarians. Now, Orban respects the right and duty of every other nation to put its people and culture first. He's not one to tell the Japanese that Japan must put Hungary before the Japan or tell the Turks that Turkey should put Hungary before Turkey. He's for the national autonomy and independence of all nations. As independent nations with sovereignty, they can live in mutual respect and peace with other nations, trade, and learn from one another. Orban's position isn't Hungarian-supremacism. He would never argue that Hungarians have the right to invade or barge into other nations or tell other nations how to run their affairs. All he wants is for Hungary to have the right to remain a nation of Hungarians. But according to Jewish Globalists, that makes him a 'far right' and 'neo-Nazi'.
Now, anyone who remembers history should know that Nazi Germany didn't bring about the catastrophe of World War II by minding its own national business. It unleashed a massive war by invading other nations with German Imperialism. Also, all resistance to German imperialism was national. Polish nationalists resisted German invasion. French nationalists resisted German Occupation. Russians didn't so much fight for communism as defense of motherland. So, which side is really nazi-like in the world today? Viktor Orban's Hungary that wants to maintain national sovereignty and not be flooded with mass-migration-invasion? Or Jewish Globalists who inflamed the Middle East and North Africa with Wars for Israel, the premise of which insists that any number of Arabs and/or Muslims may be killed or forced into refugee-hood so that Israel's role as lone superpower of MENA(Middle East and North Africa)is assured? Who are more Nazi-like? It's clearly Jewish-Supremacist power that has turned Gaza into something like a New Warsaw Ghetto. It's clearly Jewish-Supremacist power with spokesmen like Thomas Friedman who says he wishes the ISIS would remain to mess up Syria even more. It's clearly Jewish-Supremacist power that turned Libya into a pile of rubble. Of course, it used goy puppets Obama and Hillary. Jewish Power is now so deranged that it even made common cause with Neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine to pull off a coup against a democratically elected government. Jewish Power acts like this but preaches to the world about 'liberal democratic' values.

Unfortunately, most leaders in the West are not like Viktor Orban. They are more like pathetic puppets like Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron, and Angela Merkel. These worthless puppets totally support the right of Israel to remain a Jewish state even as they renounce sovereignty for their own nations. They also look the other way about Zionist occupation of West Bank and mass-murder in Gaza. Granted, Orban supports Israel too, but it is on a give-and-take basis of "Hungary supports Israel's right to be a Jewish state in exchange for Israel's support of Hungary's right to be a Hungarian state." If anything, Hungary has the moral edge over Israel because, whereas Hungary is only about Hungarians in Hungary, the currently cancerous Zionism isn't only about Jews in Israel but Jews taking over West Bank and fomenting more Wars for Israel all over the Middle East.
Viktor Orban is not an isolationist, let alone a 'xenophobe'. It's just that his internationalism is founded on mutual nationalisms around the world. In other words, before anything else, the national elites should prioritize the survival, security, and well-being of their own people. Once those conditions are secured, they can work with other nations around the world. Jewish elites certainly feel this way in Israel. They put Jewish interests first and foremost. Then, why is it okay when Jews do it but wrong with Hungarians do it? Because the West is controlled by Jewish supremacists who say ONLY JEWS should have national rights while all goyim must be exposed to globalist hegemony. Jews hate the idea of a sacred bond between goy national elites and goy national folks. They want goy elites to pay heed to Jewish globalist masters and snub their own folks. This is why Jews push the globo-homo agenda. As homomania is now replacement of Christianity as a neo-spiritual cult(especially designed to appeal to fancy and haute elite members of society into vanity and narcissism, sensibilities that homos are obsessed with), goy elites who wave the 'gay' flag are more likely to be vapid clowns with heads up in the clouds than serious and mature national leaders with a deep connection to their own folk, culture, and history.

Jewish globalists fear that if national elites connect with their own folks and culture, each goy nation will be a more difficult nut for Jewish Power to crack. Jews want national elites to pledge their main loyalty to Jewish globalist hegemonists than to their own folks. This is an old imperialist trick and nothing new. After all, the British Imperialists insisted upon the local native elites to pledged their main loyalty to the British overlords than to their own native masses. As long as the local elites obeyed the British Imperialists and supported British hegemony, they were handsomely rewarded. But if they tried to reconnect with their own folk and resist British Imperialism, they were ruthlessly crushed. The Ottoman Empire worked the same way. So, if the local Greek elites did the bidding of the Turkish overlords, they were nicely rewarded with carrots. But if they tried to reconnect with their own folks, revive Greek national consciousness, and resist Turkish imperialism, they were mercilessly crushed. As so much of the world has succumbed to the US-as-sole-superpower(and because the US is controlled by Jews), the national elites around the world are pressured to prioritize obeisance to globalist hegemony(dominated by Jews) than loyalty to the national folk. ONLY ISRAEL is to be praised for having a national elite that prioritizes the sacred bond between the national elites and national folks. Nationalism has become a Jewish monopoly in the 21st century. Only Jews are praised for the national unity between elites and masses. As for goy nations, the elites better feel closer to globo-homo hegemony than to their own national folks. So, Netanyahu or any Jewish leader can say, "I'm proud to be Jewish, I love my Jewish people, my main duty is to serve my Jewish people, and our Jewish nation must live forever", and he is to be praised and admired. But if the leader of Hungary or Poland says much the same about his nation, culture, and history, the World Jewry will foam at the mouth and denounce him as 'far-right' and 'neo-nazi'.
Indeed, this is the main bone of contention between Jews and Trumpian nationalists. Most Jews claim to be 'progressives', but they are first and foremost Jewish supremacist globalist-imperialists. A true progressive should support nationalism as the best defense against imperialism. This is why real progressives in the past supported the Cubans, Algerians, and Vietnamese against European and American imperialists. They understood the need for national folks to define and determine their own identity and destiny. So, when Trump says he wants to pull US troops out of the Middle East so that the native folks can decide for themselves, true progressives should be supportive. But notice that all these so-called Jewish 'progressives' howl like mad dogs and insist that the US must remain(illegally) in Syria and other parts of the world. They mouth platitudes about 'war on terror', 'spreading democracy', 'human rights', and etc, but it's all bull. If Jews are really for human rights, why don't they make the US invade West Bank, remove Jewish invader-settlers, and restore the territory to Palestinians? The fact is Jews are addicted to supremacism, and they now support US imperialism because it really amounts to US-rael hegemony. Because Jews control the US and can steer US foreign policy to serve the agenda of Greater Israel, they are now the biggest fans of imperialism. Jewish 'progressivism' has become a mask for Jewish Imperialism, just like the British notion of the White Man's Burden was used as moral cover for British hegemony. You see, the British weren't conquering and dominating 1/3 of the world but only trying to spread the light of civilization. Likewise, if the Jewish-controlled US turns your nation into hellholes like current Iraq, Libya, or Syria, just tell yourself it's all about spreading 'liberal democracy' or 'human rights' or some other BS one hears from MSM. And if you ask why such noble-minded Jews support the Zionist tyranny over Palestinians or partner with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, just shut up and forget about it, as Rex Kwon Do would say.

Many people remain blind to the reality of Jewish supremacist imperialism because the essence of Jewish power is in the networking than national ownership. In terms of nationhood, Jews have only Israel to claim as a Jewish State, and on its own Israel doesn't amount to much as a world power. When the British ruled the world, there was obviously a British people of the British nation that gained dominance over other peoples in other continents. Same was true of the French Empire, German Empire, Russian Empire, Japanese Empire, and etc. Japanese Empire was about the people of Japan gaining dominance over non-Japanese peoples and lands. In contrast, it's not so easy to discern the true depth and extent of Jewish Power. Apart from Israel, there is no nation in which Jews are majority or even larger than 10% of the population. Jews are only 2% of the US, the nation in which they have the most power. And for that reason, Jewish Imperialism uses goy fronts to serve as the Face of Power. Goyim like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and even Donald Trump give the impression that US policy is 'goy' and 'Christian' when, in fact, most politicians are puppets of Jewish Money and Media. AIPAC and ADL use their muscle to force all politicians to support Jewish Supremacism as the cornerstone of US foreign policy. So, the US favors Zionist oppressors over oppressed Palestinians. So, the US showers nuclear-armed Israel with billions while strangling no-nuke Iran with endless sanctions. So, even as US invokes 'saving Kurds' as excuse to illegally occupy Syria, it turns a blind eye to the Jewish land-grab of Palestinian territory in West Bank. And even as the US media complex condemns Hungary for its border security to keep out migrant-invaders, it says little about IDF death squads mowing down Palestinians in Gaza who want to return to their ancestral homeland. US power is essentially Jewish imperialism, but many people fail to see this because the puppet leaders have been goys like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and even Trump. We are told that the US is a land of justice, human rights, and equal opportunity, but if so, why does it favor Zionist imperialists over oppressed Palestinians? Why does US foreign policy have one rule for Israel but another for Iran? Why did the US aid and abet Jewish oligarchs' looting of Russia in the 90s but condemn Russia's restoration of national sovereignty to prevent further foreign predatory behavior? Why are Israel and Jews around the world allowed to meddle so thoroughly in US politics and affairs, BUT there is all this crazy hysteria about Russia interference in US elections? It's all Jewish supremacism and imperialism, but because Jews are a tiny minority in the US, people remain blind to the extent of Jewish power. And of course, the fact that Jews control academia and media also means that they get to shape the Narrative and present the Worldview. So, even though US encircles Russia, we are told Russia is the aggressor. Even though Wars for Israel have done so much harm to Muslim nations, it is poor poor helpless Israel that needs to be protected. Even though Jews disproportionately hog power and privilege, we should all be alarmed by 'white supremacism'. Right, it's the KKK teeming with toothless rednecks that controls Hollywood, Las Vegas, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Pentagon, Ivy League, Law firms, and the Deep State. That's why we have Wars for Hillbillies all over the world. That's why we have renewed tensions with Russia. The hillbillies of the KKK have 'white supremacist white privilege' and force us to have another 'cold war'. Jewish imperialism is especially dangerous because Jews camouflage themselves as powerless despite being the most powerful people in the world. At the very least, British and French imperialisms were honest. Brits took pride in ruling 1/3 of the world. French Empire meant French glory. In contrast, Jewish supremacists hide behind goy fronts to push their hegemonic agenda to destroy Iran, further the war in Syria, push 'new cold war' with Russia, fan Yellow Peril against China, and stoke anti-Muslim hatred. If anyone wants to know why so many Americans came to see Muslims as subhuman scum who should be killed by the bushel, he should begin by asking, "Who controls Hollywood?" Jews do, and for over two decades, the main villains were the Muslim Terrorists, the 'ragheads' or 'muzzies'. So many impressionable White Christian kids grew up watching movies that said nothing is more glorious than to blow up a bunch of Muslims. The Jewish Way is to stoke White Christian hatred against Muslims and use Americans soldiers to destroy Muslim nations AND THEN to bring Muslim refugees to the West and hug them as poor victims of white 'Islamophobic racists'. Notice how Jewish moral logic twists and turns depending on the context. When Muslims are OVER THERE, they deserve to be blown up with US bombs and mowed down by white Christian soldiers. But when the Muslims come OVER HERE, they are coddled and hugged as part of the Diversity Coalition that must stand against White Christian America. Moral logic can't get any more surreal than that.

Anyway, with globalism wreaking so much havoc -- militarily, economically, and/or culturally -- all over the world, uprooting entire communities, and steering Third World masses into the West, the result is Convergence by Migration and also by Miscegenation, not least because white males are being feminized and castrated by PC and globo-homo propaganda. Especially because national elites of goy nations are now such spineless puppets who prioritize serving Jewish globalists instead of defending and representing their own national folks, they push policies designed to replace the native or national folks with newcomers, much like how Zionists came to replace the Palestinians. Jews are said to be white but don't identify primarily as white, European, or American but as Jewish(and supremacist). So, the number one priority of Jews is not European power, American power, or Western Power. It is Jewish supremacist hegemony. As far as Jews are concerned, it is the fulfillment of the Covenant. Even though most Jews today are secular, they feel great ethnic and historical pride as the people with the longest continual history, resilience, and tenacity. And especially because they are, pound for pound, the richest and most powerful people in the world, Jews feel that it's a matter of cosmic justice and design that they must secure permanent supremacist hold over the world. Jews are now so addicted to supremacism that merely being a normal people getting along with other peoples is not enough. Jews must rule over other peoples and make them do what Jews demand. Jews see gentiles as horses to break, tame, ride, and make obey. Jews think in terms of "We must secure the supremacy of our people and the hegemony of Jewish children."

So, how are Jews to secure their supremacism and hegemony, to which they've become addicted? First, of course, Jews had to succeed in business and other elite fields. Thus, they gained domination of key elite institutions and industries in academia, media, finance, law, entertainment, gambling(and other profitable vice industries), real estate, and etc. In controlling the academia, media, and entertainment, Jews have been able to mold the minds of goyim, from elite to masses. So, even though the Jewish Agenda is terrible for goyim, so many goyim just go along because their views of history, morality, and justice have been largely molded by Judeocentric interests. Granted, some goy elites do know what's really going on, but they fear speaking out because the combination of Jewish power and goy-collaborationist machinations will destroy them. Other goy elites go along with the charade because they are rewarded handsomely if they do. Take weasels like Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, and so many others. By serving as barking dogs of Jewish globalists and Israel, they've gained so much wealth and/or privilege.
Be that as it may, Jews know that carrots-and-sticks only go so far. Carrots are expensive, and loyalty lasts only as carrots can be offered. As for sticks, they are effective but only as long as goyim can be beaten down. But a people who'd been subjugated by the stick will eventually look for vengeance when the time is ripe. Money and Fear are not enough to maintain Jewish Power. So, Jews pushed the Holocaust as a new religion. It is supposed to make Jews seem holy as new messiahs who suffered the 'greatest crime in human history' and to instill guilt in ALL GOYIM as either having killed Jews or not having done enough to save them. Holocaust-as-new-religion has done wonders for Jews as it allows Jewish Power to destroy anyone not only with money or violence but morality. So, if anyone says anything critical of Jewish power or Israel, he can be denounced as an 'anti-Semite' and 'neo-Nazi', and 'It's holocaust all over again', even though it's been the machinations of Jewish Power that led to WWII-levels of destruction in the Middle East and North Africa, all for the benefit of Israel. And never mind that current Gaza is like the Jewish ghetto under Nazi terror. And never mind that no people are as filled with supremacist arrogance and tribal hubris as the Jews are. Indeed, it's insane how we are all supposed to bitch and whine about 'white privilege', 'Russian aggression', or 'Iranian threat', but no one dares to mention the 800 lb gorilla in the room, i.e. that if any people in the world own disproportionate wealth, wield disproportionate power, and create disproportionate havoc(especially in the Middle East and Muslim nations), it's the Jews. The Middle East is in the current state of chaos mainly because of Wars(and sanctions) for Israel, which in turn are the result of Jewish supremacist control over the US. With Jews having so much power, how come no one says anything about it? Again, there is the power of money, threats/violence, and morality-as-hammer. Jews buy off lots of goy politicians. With Jewish money comprising 60% of funds to Democrats and 25% of funds to GOP, most politicians are essentially whores of Zion. But Jews also control the media that can make or break anyone. So, if there's someone Jews don't like, the media go into lynch mob frenzy to tear that person down as fast as possible. Just ask Marc Lamont Hill. And because Jews have elevated themselves as the neo-messiahs-of-the-Holocaust, it is so easy to smear any critic of Jewish power or Zionism. Why, he must be an 'anti-Semite', which must mean he's a 'nazi'. Or, Jews will even resort to outright violence by unleashing antifa and other crazed mobs. If you belong to antifa or some 'far left' gang, you can attack people and cause mayhem but be tolerated, forgiven, or sprung from jail with Jewish money and lawyers. Indeed, Jewish power operates much like a gangster operation. Was anyone arrested for the attack on Tucker Carlson's home? If a 'right-wing' gang did that Rachel Maddow's residence, we know there would be a major investigation and non-stop coverage. But when antifa gangs attacked Carlson's home, the response of Jewish supremacist mass media was ho-hum or even supportive. But then, Jews treat the Palestinians the same way. If an Arab in West Bank thinks he can get equal justice from IDF or Zionist court of law, forget about it. It's like Israel not only gets away with everything but is showered with praises and money, whereas Iran is vilified and punished even when it does everything right with the nuclear issue. It's the kind of 'justice' one must expect in a world governed by Jewish Supremacism.

So, is Jewish Supremacism secure for all time due to their control of Carrots, Sticks, and Sacraments? Money, Threats, and messiah-hood(via Holocaust as neo-religion)? Jews don't think so. Now, Jews have a lot of money, and they don't have to worry about buying off goy whores. But, wielding the Stick is risky. Even as it may intimidate people into silence and compliance, anyone who's suffered the Jewish Stick will hate Jews even more and want vengeance. Indeed, look at the attitude of Muslims in Europe. They've been beaten and humiliated by the Zionist stick in their home nations, and they are now raging with vengeful hatred against Jews. And even white people in Europe and America are getting sick of being insulted and destroyed by Jewish Power. They are beginning to feel, "Why should I support Israel and praise Jews when so many Jews are insulting us whites 24/7 and blaming us for everything?" Also, the internet has made it more difficult for Jews to totally own the Narrative. Voices on both the Left and Right are asserting themselves in strong criticism of Zionism and Jewish Corruption. Alternative Media have highlighted the injustice of anti-BDS laws and the hypocrisy of Jews who, though claiming to be 'progressives' on the side of underdogs, use their influence in both Political Parties to push through legislation that curtails free speech, freedom of conscience, and freedom of economic choice. They are waking up to the fact that Jews are trying to force ALL OF US into supporting the ongoing Zionist imperialist land-grab and tyrannical apartheid policies in the West Bank(and IDF death squad mass murder in Gaza). Indeed, consider how the Jewish Media Monopoly in 2018 suppressed the 70th anniversary of Nakba Pogroms that destroyed Palestine once and for all in 1948. Jewish control of media ensured that most people in the West wouldn't even realize that they were complicit in aiding and abetting the destruction of the Palestinian people and culture. As far as Jews are concerned, 'white guilt' or 'Western guilt' must be manipulated and programmed to mainly serve Jews. This is why Justin Trudeau, the crybaby who apologizes and weeps about everything, never expressed remorse for Canada's role in Zionist tyranny over Palestinians and various Wars for Israel that destroyed millions of lives in the Middle East. Naturally, Jews still need Western animus against Arabs and Muslims IF they are to use the US and NATO to pound on any Middle East nation hated by Jews. Sadly, so much of globalist news is non-stop Jewish Hate Campaigns against Syria, Iran, Palestinians, Russia, Hungary, Poland, or whatever people or nation that happens to be on the Jewish globalist shit-list. Incredibly, Jews, the people who bitch most about 'hate speech', demand that all of us hate whatever they hate. Most of us have no reason to hate Iran, Russia, Syria, Palestinians, and European nationalists(who only ask for border security and national sovereignty), but we must hate them because Jews hate them. This suggests that Jews see us as dogs than as humans. We are not to have agency in deciding who is friend or foe? We are not to decide for ourselves whom to love, whom to hate. No, Jews will decide for us, and our emotions are supposed to rubber-stamp the Jewish decision. Jews say they themselves are so lovable, so we better love them no matter what they do. If we don't obey, we are 'anti-Semites' or 'nazis'. And we better hate whomever Jews hate. Currently, Jews hate Russia, so we are supposed to hate Russia. Jews hate Iran, so we have to pile on Iran. Jews hate Syria that survived the regime change agenda of the Jewish-controlled Obama administration, and that means we better hate Syria too. And of course, Jews hate Palestinians, so we have to hate them too. Never mind Iran has no nukes. More sanctions on Iran. Never mind BDS is about justice for Palestinians. Shut it down and support Zionist takeover of West Bank. Love Jews and hate Palestinians. It's hard to think of another people so consumed with hatred and paranoia.

Anyway, because people are beginning to wake up to the true nature of Jewish Power, Jews now believe that even Holocaust-as-new-religion is no guarantee for permanent Jewish supremacy. As more and more people realize the discrepancy between the image of Holy Jews as wholly innocent victims of Evil Nazis AND globalist-supremacist Zionist-Jews who use their financial-media-military muscle to wreak so much havoc around the world, the trick of guilt-baiting goyim with Holocaust Sanctimony is wearing thin. Indeed, every time Jews invoke the Holocaust, a lot of people are more apt to be reminded of the distance between what Jews say and what Jews do. So, there's Madeline Albright writing a book about the dangers of fascism while ignoring the fact that she said killing 500,000 Iraqi kids was 'worth it'. There is Thomas Friedman bitching about Assad the tyrant while supporting the truly psychotic ISIS. There are Jews who call Putin the 'new hitler' but allying with Neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine. There are Jews telling ludicrous lies about Russian meddling in US elections when, in fact, the nation that meddles most in US politics is Israel, a tyrannical state that terrorizes Palestinians and works with evil Saudis to mess up Syria.

Anyway, because more and more people are waking up to the true nature and extent of Jewish Power -- that it is supremacist, imperialist, mendacious, murderous, hateful, and insane -- , Jews feel that the ONLY way to secure their supremacy is by Diversity that allows for divide-and-conquer and Mass Miscegenation. A united people can eventually come together and overthrow minority-elite-tyrants. This happened in India, Algeria, Vietnam, and many other Third World nations. Indians finally came together to throw out the British minority elites. Vietnamese eventually regained their country from French and American imperialists. The British eventually left Singapore as well. This is why it's important for Jewish supremacist power to increase Diversity among goyim and then pit goyim against one another. This is NOTHING NEW as imperial strategy. It's as old as power itself. And this is why Jews are pushing for mass-migration-invasion of non-whites into the West. If Jews really believe that replacement of national folks with foreign folks as 'New Nationals' is such a hot idea, why don't they push it for Israel as well? Jews have become the majority national folk population of Israel, and it seems Jews want to keep it that way. That's why the ONLY kind of immigration that Israel allows is Replenishment-Immigration, or More Jews for a Jewish Nation. More Jewish immigrants mean more Jews in Israel. Thus, the Jewish state is replenished with more Jews. Israel also has pro-natal policy for Jews. So, Jews like the idea of Israel as a Jewish majority state. Jews appreciate the fact that there is unity of Jewish elites and Jewish folks in Israel. They are one people, united and indivisible. But notice Jews push Replacement Immigration in the West. Jews say white nations should accept more non-whites and call them New Europeans. Jews say whites should welcome being replaced by non-whites. Why would Jewish globalists support only Replenishment Immigration in Israel but push Replacement Immigration for nations like France, UK, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and etc? Why are Jews so eager to turn US, Canada, and Australia into white-minority nations? It's all about securing Jewish supremacist power. By bringing non-whites to the West and then using PC to make non-whites hate and blame whites for everything, Jews are trying to create a permanent culture of dissension and discord among the goyim. Because whites are still the majority in the West, they are the main targets of the Jewish-controlled media, but the real trick is to turn everyone against one another. So, even as Jews urge Muslims in the West to join in the intersectional war against whites, Jews also use media and entertainment to spread anti-Muslim images and messages so that white people will support more Wars for Israel and anti-BDS measures. One bunch of Jews urge browns from Latin America to flood into America, and another bunch of Jews tell whites to focus mainly on the dangers of Illegal Immigration when, in fact, the main power behind the mass deluge of the West by the non-West is Jewish globalism.

Anyway, it is this mass-influx of non-whites into white nations that will lead to Convergence. While browns on their own in Latin America and blacks on their own in Africa may never reach levels of Convergence with the West, they will converge with the West by demographic takeover. Also, eventually, demographic takeover leads to race-mixing, and that too is a weapon of Jewish supremacism. Jews know that a racially mixed populace will be more confused and disoriented, thus unable to form a united front against the elite class. We can see this by comparing South Africa and Vietnam with Latin America. In South African and Vietnam, most of the native populations were unmixed. So, in South Africa, it was essentially black majority vs white minority, and in Vietnam, it was yellow majority vs white minority. This allowed blacks in SA and yellows in Vietnam to form huge national blocs to work against elite minority power. In contrast, the extensive Hispanic rape of the brown natives in Latin America led to the vast population of mestizos. Mestizos, being part white and part brown, have never been sure what they are or with which side to ally with. On the one hand, they felt resentment about the white elites who ruled Latin America. But, being part-white, they didn't identify with native browns either and, if anything, looked down on them as inferior. And so, even to this say, Latin American nations are still ruled by the white Latino elites of Conquistador background. Now, Jews have read a lot of books and know history. They've thought long and hard about Power and how to keep it or lose it. And being in supremacist mode in the West, Jews aim to secure permanent domination over goyim by pushing for massive Diversity and massive race-mixing. Jews look to Latin America as the model for all the West. Given the backwardness and problems of Latin America, one might say such prospect would be bad for US, Canada, and Europe. And most Jews would privately agree. But, Jews don't really care because their MAIN PRIORITY AND OBJECTIVE are securing supremacism for themselves, not doing what is good for the West as a whole. All said and done, Jewish power is virulently Judeo-centric. It's like many globalist corporations know that 'free trade' has had such a negative impact on so many people in their nations. So, why do they keep pushing it? Because their main priority is corporate profit above all. So, all said and done, they don't care about the wider repercussions of 'free trade'. What matters most to them is maximizing profits, increasing market-share, and fattening the portfolios of top shareholders. This is why capitalism, useful as it is, cannot be the defining core of any nation. And it suggests at why Jews make poor elites in the West. Because Jews feel so little connection with the goyim of any nation, they never ask, "What would be best for the national folks?" Jews ask that question ONLY IN ISRAEL, a Jewish state. In goy-majority nations, Jews see goyim as the Other and don't much care what happens to them. Jews really only care about themselves and their power, and from that premise, they think, "What can we do with goyim so that they can be made to support and serve Jewish supremacism?" Of course, Jews will say they're for Open Borders because they care for all of humanity and want them to enjoy the fruits of the modern West. But if Jews really care so much about non-whites and identify with them, why don't most Jews emigrate to non-white nations and use their talents to develop the economies of Africa, Latin America, and the like? Why did Jewish Immigration patterns always favor white, especially Anglo-Germanic, nations over non-white ones? It's because Jews know that whites make and maintain the best kind of societies. So, they want IN into the white world. If Jews have it so good in white nations, why don't they just get along with whites? It's because, being smarter, more ambitious, and more arrogant, it's never enough for Jews to get along with whites as equals. They must rise to the top and gain control over whites. This makes Jews nervous because they fear that whites may eventually grow sick and tired of Jewish power that grows increasingly abusive, corrupt, and tyrannical. So, what can be done about goyim when they turn against Jewish Power? In Palestine, Jews used massive pogroms to expel the majority of the Arab goy population that finally woke up to the Zionist agenda and resisted. But obviously Jews can't do that to whites in Europe and America. There are too few Jews and too many whites. So, to preempt the possibility of White Rage against Jewish supremacist corruption and abuses, Jews push for massive migration-invasion, the aim of which is to replace whites in Western nations. Once whites become minorities in the nations of their own making, Jews manipulate the various goyim to go at each other's throats. Just consider how Jewish Power exploited ethnic and sectarian diversity in Syria to make the various sides fight one another. Diversity easily succumbs to devious machinations. Jews use Diversity to further their own supremacism, not out of any real compassion for people of color. Consider Jewish Power Politics in the UK. For a long time, Jews in UK pushed for mass-immigration and used non-whites against whites. But when Jeremy Corbyn sided with Muslims and Palestinians against Zionist Power, Jews of all stripes shrieked with rage. But wasn't Corbyn merely siding with the underdog against the topdog? After all, Zionists oppress Palestinians in the West Bank. And in the UK, Jews are immensely rich and control media and banks, whereas most of the Muslim population ranges from poor to lower-middle class. So, didn't Corbyn do the right thing by sticking up for Palestinians against Zionists and for siding with Muslim underclass against the Jewish-globalist ultra-capitalist overclass? Apparently not. Jews shrieked in horror and hurled abuse at Corbyn as an 'anti-Semite'. So, as far as Jews are concerned, it's okay for Jews to side with People of Color against whites, but it's wrong for whites(even a lefty one like Corbyn) to side with People of Color against Jewish supremacists.

Now, how will this race-mixing happen? Will it be even-mixing or uneven-mixing? By even-mixing, I mean equal number of men of one race mixing with equal number of women of the other race. So, if there are 100 Green People and 100 Red people and if 50 Green men hump 50 Red women and if 50 Red men hump 50 Green women, that would be even-mixing. Uneven-mixing would be if 50 Green men humped 50 Red women but if only 10 Red men humped 10 Green women. It appears there will be Convergence by Interracialism, but it will be uneven-mixing among the various races. Why is this? Part of the reason is that the great majority of Migrant-invaders coming to Europe from Africa and Middle East are men. Naturally, these African and Muslim men will seek out white women to hump. Also, as Western PC has spread homo-and-trans-gender cult among white men who are warned of 'toxic masculinity'(that is never invoked to denounce stuff like Rap where black guys yammer endlessly about how they can kick butt and every 'ho' should 'suck my dic*', female Pop Idols who act like they got nothing on their minds but sex 24/7, and Jewish-operated Porn Industry), so many white guys have been turned into wussy castrated 'soyboys'. Due to emasculation of white men, naturally more white women in Europe will go with more masculine men from Africa and the Middle East. But there is another reason why there will be uneven-mixing between whites and blacks, with mostly black men humping white women. Despite all the PC tripe about 'race being a social construct' and 'all races being equal', the very message sent by Mass Media and Entertainment is that black men are superior in manhood to white men. People get message from what is shown as by what is said. So, if people are shown a big cake and a small cake and told that both cakes are of the same size, they will HEAR that the cakes are the same size but SEE that they are of different sizes. It's the Ear-Eye Dissonance. PC sermons TELL us that All Races Are Equal, but Sports and Pop Culture SHOW us that races are different. Sports show us that blacks are better than other races in running, jumping, and punching. Pop Music shows us that blacks can sing louder and shake their bodies faster. And one of the running tropes of Western Culture from youth culture to erotica is that black men have bigger dongs and black women are butt-crazy. And even though the media and entertainment are controlled by globo-liberals who TELL us of racial equality, all they actually SHOW us in sports and entertainment is that black men are more macho than white men and that black women are more lascivious than women of other races. We hear one thing through our ears but see something else. So, the dominant image of manhood and male prowess in BBC and Hollywood favors black men over white men. And of course, sports show that races are not equal in athleticism. Even European heroes like Achilles and Lancelot are now presented as blacks in European TV on the premise that black men are the real men while while white men, at least when stacked against black men, are a bunch of sorry losers and wussies. Look at our sports and pop culture, and the message is clear based on what is SHOWN. Black men are the real men, and white men should accept their defeat as a bunch of dorks. So, what is the effect of this message on the white race in Europe? It means white women should abandon white boy losers and go with black men, the real men. And since white guys are a bunch of saps compared to black men, they should gracefully accept their inferiority and worship the superior black men. This trope has become so widespread that a Daily Beast article says that sexual 'cuckolding' is now the number one fetish of white liberal intellectual men.

On the one hand, white liberal men are supposed to believe that 'race is just a social construct' and 'all races are equal', but then, why do they feel a need to have black men hump their white wives or girlfriends? And why do white women want to take part in this? It's because they are turned on by the taboo of racial differences. PC indoctrinated them to believe that RACE isn't real and that all races are equal. And they will say that over and over in polite discourse. But in terms of what they SEE as opposed to HEAR & SAY, they can't help but notice that there are racial differences, and that black men are tougher and have bigger dongs than white men. And this taboo element(that disproves PC dogma) turns them on.
And, this is why Convergence in Europe will mostly be black guys conquering white wombs to produce mulatto babies and white guys accepting their own racial-sexual defeat as happy 'cucks'. Indeed, Hollywood and Western Media(and advertising) promote the black male and white female pairing as the New Ideal. But why black male and white female than white male and black female? It's because of the general consensus, by images if not by words, that black men are superior to white men and therefore deserve white women as the ultimate sexual trophy. So, all this interracial stuff is about uneven-mixing than even-mixing. It's about the black male dominance over white males, and black men taking many more white women than white men taking black women. And statistics prove this in Europe, America, and Latin America. In the past, it was usually white men who humped black women because white man had the whip and gun. But all things being equal, black guys can easily beat up white guys, and this means that white women want to 'go black' because women, especially in our over-sexualized age, like macho winners over 'nice guy' losers. And so, that is how the Convergence will happen in the West. Because most European elites no longer represent and connect with their own national folk and instead serve the Jewish globalists, they will condemn nationalism and push for replacement-immigration, mostly from Black Africa where birthrate is 5 or 6 children per woman. Black African population is exploding, and these blacks now have smartphones and TV. And they see from the Western Media that white men are wussy cucks and white women are slutty skanks,and that both white boys and girls worship black rappers, black athletes, black leaders, black orators, black everything. Furthermore, European leaders like Merkel, Macron, and May say there is no such thing as 'distinctly European'. They say Europe must be remade and reinvented by mass immigration and migration of literally hundreds of millions of Arabs and mostly black Africans. Also, because blacks dominate Pop music and sports, white boys and girls in the West worship blackness as 'cool' and 'badass', the stuff of demigod awesomeness. By Macron's choice of photo-ops with half-naked blacks, his image-message or imessage to Frenchmen seems to be that Frenchmen must be good cuckoisie and welcome the Africanization of France because blacks are so awesome in sports and singing, and because French women, once going black, will never go back. And that is also the 'imessage' of BBC where, so often, black men are placed in roles symbolizing manhood and toughness while white men are relegated to roles of saps, wussies, and dorks.

Another reason why Convergence will happen is due to feminism, elitism, and individualism in the West. Feminism means lots of white women will take good jobs from men. This means fewer white men will have the means to get married and have kids. Elitism has made too many white people value only good jobs and look down on Labor. This is a bigger problem in East Asia but a problem in Germany and such nations as well. Elitism means too many white people will get married and have kids ONLY IF they can be sure to raise 'successful' kids. They don't want to have 'loser' kids with working class jobs, and that means lower birthrate. And that means the West has to import labor from other places. Germany, with the lowest birthrate in Europe, has to rely on non-Germans, so far mostly from Eastern Europe. This means that Slavs and other Europeans will converge with Germans. But as all of Europe has low birthrates, Germany will have to take in non-white immigrants from further away. Already, Germany has lots of Turks but also close to a million black Africans, and many more will be coming. Also, Germans think that promoting race-mixing with blacks and turning Germany into another Morocco will absolve them of guilt of Nazism. Another reason for cratering birthrates is individualism. As most Western people prioritize short-term happiness above all else, they live for fun, fun, fun and don't think of the future and duty to the past. So, by the time white women reach mid 30s, they are often without marriage and children because they spent most of their youth whoring around. Also, elitism undermines marriage and childbearing. As so many people grew up with glamorous images of Pop Culture, every woman wants to meet Mr. Perfect who are actually few and far between. And this means European populations will crater, and the aging white population will figure that SOME OTHER PEOPLE should inherit the West. Since white people are not producing enough kids to inherit the West, it is to be handed to Africans and Muslims who will gladly take it since people like to get stuff for free. And the dwindling number of whites will mate and genetically converge with Africans and Arabs, with most of it being black men taking white women while white men are reduced to wussy beta-male-ism. Europe will resemble North Africa or even sub-Saharan African in 70 to 100 yrs.

Now, we know Convergence is happening between the US and Latin America. As Jews control the US, they use all sorts of legal, financial, media, and political means to prevent restoration of border security and drastic decrease in Replacement Immigration. So, already, the entire SW territories are being Mexicanized. It's 'reconquista' by demography. Even something so basic as border walls to keep out illegals is near-impossible in the US because Jews and their goy puppets have most of the control. Jews regard white Americans like they regard Palestinians: A people to be conquered, humiliated, and replaced. And of course, non-white immigrants side with Jews because they prefer to come and settle in white or white-made nations than in their own nations that are poorer, more corrupt, and dirtier. Because so many non-whites have been unable to transform their own nations up to Western levels, their ONLY chance of enjoying Western-style modernity is by running from their own people, land, & culture and starting over in white or white-made nations. They feel that they must go to and be with whites to enjoy Western standards of living. Deep down inside, they prefer whiteness over their own kind, which is why they want to drop everything and leave their own people/culture behind and start all over in the West and raise their kids to be 'Americans' or 'New Europeans'. They may bitch about how 'racist' whites won't welcome or accept them in sufficient numbers, but the fact is they themselves prefer to live with whites in white nations than stick around with their own peoples and cultures. In their preference for whiteness over their own kind, they are closet-white-supremacists in some twisted way. We know black African men prefer to leave Africa and go live in Europe and have sex with white women. And Asian women prefer to leave Asia and go live in the West and have kids with white men. Yellow people are obsessed with whiteness and want to move to white nations, marry whites, look white, and have white-looking kids. The high rates of out-marriage among yellow women in the West points to Convergence. The white-yellow mixing, like black-white mixing, is of the uneven-mixing kind. It is generally about white men taking yellow women as the general impression is that white men are more manly than yellow men. There used to be something like a Japanese-American community in the US, but it barely exists anymore because so many Japanese-American women mixed with white men while many Japanese-American men died childless. So, that is another kind of Convergence.

Now, what about East Asia itself? Perhaps, because China is still ruled by a patriotic nationalist elite, something can be done to bolster Chinese identity and culture. But Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore are all puppets of the US, and their elites are little more than lapdogs of Western elites who, in turn, are lapdogs of Jewish supremacist elites. So, globo-homo stuff has spread like wildfire in East Asia to turn the men into a bunch of super-wussies and 'herbivores'. Also, globo-culture via the internet has turned yellow women onto ever stronger doses of Western Pop Culture that, of late, has pretty much come down to black guys yapping 'suck my dic*' and white girls with jungle fever imitating black 'biatches' who 'twerk' all night long. Needless to say, Media and Entertainment in the West are mostly owned and controlled by Jews.

In terms of elitism, individualism, and feminism, the East has all the social malaise of the West. Furthermore, just as globalism has emasculated white men vis-a-vis black men, it emasculates yellow men vis-a-vis white and black men as both whites and blacks are bigger than yellows. This means more yellow men will lose heart and withdraw into their own spaces, and it will mean more dissatisfied yellow women. And with cratering birthrates(more severe than in the West), the East will have to rely on foreign labor from lower-IQ nations. That means more Japanese women will have kids with manlier foreign men while more Japanese men die alone. And it will mean Japan will eventually be demographically colonized by lower-IQ people from other Asian, Middle Eastern, and African nations. And this pattern will likely be followed by Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. It all spells Convergence.

Won't this kind of Convergence lead to degradation of civilization and decline of the Modern World? What will happen to Europe teeming with 100s of millions of black Africans and Muslims? It will likely be hell. And what will happen to Asian nations like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan with plummeting populations and loss of manhood and virility to produce new generations? It will mean the native populations will grow old and die out while more and more foreigners come to take over and gain more power. In 100 yrs, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan will more likely resemble Philippines or Indonesia. And it spells Convergence.

So, Convergence will likely happen but by mass-migration and mass-miscegenation than by the Third World finally figuring out how to run things to catch up to the First World. The fact is the First World, in West and East, learned to use their minds and talent to create wealth and build lots of things, but they lost the human element, a sense of heritage, and feeling for folk and kin. They just became atomized individuals and consumers of electronic blips and blaps that offer them entertainment but no deeper meaning. People who put 'materiality' before 'organicity' will eventually die out. The West and East may have an edge in IQ and ingenuity, but they created inorganic pleasure-inducing gadgets that took the place of organic life. Imagine someone invents the perfect dildo vibrator that pleasures women in the most intense way. Suppose women prefer it over real penises that produce life. There will be pleasure but no life, and that will eventually spell doom. The current West and East are just high-tech dildos that feel good but produce nothing of meaning and purpose. That is why the West and East will be overtaken demographically by the Third World that, for all its stinking problems, hasn't forgot how to produce life. That is how convergence will happen.