Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Core Coding of the System Will Determine Its Future. the West Is Dying from the Alteration of Its Coding.


The Rule of Narrative defines the Rule of Law.

When the New Narrative is made sacrosanct, the Law accommodates its implicit demands. It is widely revered as a collective dream with the blessings of officialdom, and who wants to be associated with a dream deferred?

The doomed fates of America and its satellites owe to the fundamental changes in the premise of the New Narrative that was pushed by Jews who gained total control of the media, academia, and statist apparatuses.

If whites had unyieldingly insisted that the US and Europe are white lands and belong to white people BUT just nice enough to take in some nonwhites, the new arrivals would have come with a sense of appreciation and respect. After all, they were magnanimously allowed in as guests in another people’s homeland, richer and more advanced than their own.
The new arrivals would feel they owe a debt of gratitude to the native folks. They would feel that the native folks, out of kindness and generosity, did something they didn’t need to. Whites offered the nonwhites a chance of a better life. Also, in their solidarity, pride, confidence, and toughness, whites would stand tall as objects of respect and admiration to the newcomers. People look to the strong horse, not the weak ass.

Now, what would happen if the socio-political premise of a white order were changed. Suppose the new narrative is as follows: White lands have always been ‘nations of immigrants’ on the basis that there had been invasions all throughout history.
Furthermore, suppose the new premise says that Diversity is magic and More Diversity is always preferable, whereas insufficient diversity is a sign of sickness and even ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobic’ evil. And of course, ceaseless and fundamental transformations should be welcomed even or especially if what had once been is completely replaced by the new, i.e. the alien is made the ‘new native or ‘new normal’ while the once-native and once-normal have been devalued and forgotten, relegated to the dustbin of history, to be enjoyed only as exoticism(like long bygone ancient history) or to serve as reminders of how awful it had once been without diversity. (Of course, the preferred way is to pretend that the past was just as diverse by casting black and non-white actors in historically white roles.)

The corollary of Diversity-and-Change Dogma is that homogeneity and continuity are bad things. Homogeneity must be replaced with magical Diversity, and continuity must be severed by ‘reinventing’ the nation in the spirit of Change.
So, the primary destiny of white nations becomes to un-whiten themselves. Imagine if someone is made to feel less worthy for having skin unblemished by tattoos. His or her skin isn’t ‘inclusive’ enough of vibrant signs and images. Under constant pressure and even with desire(as tattoos are promoted everywhere as not only fashionable and ‘cool’ but righteous and progressive), he or she is likely to mark his or her body with more and more tattoos, indeed even to the point that he or she feels something is amiss if there’s any part on his or her body that remains tattoo-free. Then, we can understand why Jewish Supremacists and their white cuck minions aren’t content with merely urban areas turning majority non-white. They must push Diversity into the suburbs, small towns, and even rural areas, into every last corner of society. It’s the same in the UK and Germany where the Jewish globalists are targeting every white small town and rural village with the wonders of ‘diversity’.

Under the reigning ‘idology'(ideology of idolatry, mainly of Jews, Homos, and Negroes) of Wokery, not only are the white natives inculcated with self-hatred but the nonwhite arrivals are urged to feel as rightful owners than as grateful newcomers.
The arrogance of Jewish chutzpah against whites serves as the template for all non-white or immigrant groups. In the U.K., for example, the non-white is given the moral advantage in claiming to be ‘British’ while the patriotic white Briton is forced to be defensive, which explains why even the anti-immigrant voices usually justify their position on account of the ‘values’ that the immigrants bring, such as not being sufficiently philo-semitic or globo-homo, than on grounds that Britain, a white-European country, has the duty to preserve its people, culture, and land.
After all, the New Premise says Diversity and Change must take precedence over Homogeneity and Continuity(that are deemed ‘racist’, ‘hateful’, ‘extreme’, and ‘far right’). Therefore, foreigners who arrive in white lands feel little in the way of gratitude but come barging in with moral arrogance. And they make demands to let more of their kind in and for white-created institutions & industries to favor nonwhites in high positions because, after all, white nations no longer belong to white people but to the Whole World in the spirit of Diversity and Change.
Of course, Zionist globalist-supremacists engineered all this to use Diversity against whites, but just about the only hope among white conzo-tards is that Diversity may turn out to be insufficiently deferential to Jews who, thereby, toss some more crumbs at the ever grateful and servile white dogs willing to do any bidding for their Jewish masters? What happened to white individuality and agency? It seems Jewishness is kryptonite to white independence and freedom. When faced with Jewish Power, whites grow weak, hapless, and timid, pleading to the Jewish massuh for approval and purpose in life. If you want to see a proud white man turn into a pathetic white dog in the blink of an eye, just put him next to a Jew.

Core concepts that define an order are that important, especially as so many people define their meaning and purpose not with tribal loyalty but from ideas taught at school, stories on the TV, images on advertising, and etc. Changing the idea of a society is like changing the code of a computer. If a computer code is programmed to favor red dots over blue dots, red dots will gradually but surely overwhelm the blue dots. This would be so even if, at the outset, there were 1000 blue dots and only 5 red dots. Over time, there could be 1000 red dots and only 10 blue dots remaining. But suppose the code is changed to favor blue dots over red dots. Initially, the red dots, one-thousand-strong, seem indomitable next to the puny scattering of blue dots. How much harm could 10 blue dots do to 1000 red dots? But the altered code will mean that blue dots will gain with every passing hour while the red dots no longer have any support system to maintain their dominance.

When the Western code was altered, white people didn’t react with alarm as all around them were lots of white people and lots of white power. (There were lots of Jewish Power too, but whites rationalized that it was just ‘more white power’ as Jews counted as ‘white’, ignoring the observation, “Jews earn like Episcopalians but vote like Puerto Ricans.”) So what if the New Laws & Values favored Diversity and Change? Why worry when whites seem so dominant for the foreseeable future in demography, wealth, political power, and etc.? Whatever the new code may be, it seemed inconceivable that whites with their awesome numbers, authority, and prestige would ever really lose out.
Now, in relation to certain groups, the change in the code hardly mattered. The US and Australia came around to acknowledging the tragedies of the indigenous folks, the American Indians and the Aboriginal tribes, and ennobled the memories of those groups, but even such historical-and-moral revisionism had little chance of upending the white-ruled order. The indigenous folks were insignificant in number, hardly multiplying demographically, and lacking in innate abilities to gain power and wealth. So, ‘white guilt’ concerning those groups remained at the level of empty talk or lip-service. Not so with the blacks, 13% of the population in the US(and rapidly growing in the EU via migration from Black Africa where an average woman has 6 children), the super-smart & driven Jews, and endless tides of immigrants from all over the world. Faced with those challenges and trends, the idea of ‘white guilt’ could be fatal for the white race. It’s like you can indulge in compassion for the feline species with a housecat, but try that in a jungle in India with tigers and leopards.

Look around the big cities of Europe today. The new code led to the invasion by hordes of nonwhites; worse, they cannot be expelled because the code says those migrant-invaders represent the very best of what the West and its values are. After all, ‘diversity’ is sacrosanct, and don’t you dare deny it.

Why do these nonwhite usurpers act with such arrogance and contempt for the West, White America or White Europe? Because the new code(programmed by Jewish Power) favors them and rewards them for spitting on whitey. They no longer feel grateful and appreciative. They no longer strive for understanding and acceptance. They no longer seek to earn respect. No, they just make demands and throw their weight around as if the West is theirs to pilfer and plunder. Jewish chutzpah and rudeness toward whites is their favored template. All the great things created by Anglo whites and other whites apparently exist only to be claimed and taken by nonwhites, so the new code says. If modern medicine was created by white people, instead of appreciation, all we get is, “Why there be no diversity in the great folks of medicine? History of medicine be racis’ and shit”, and of course, ‘woke’-tard whites nod along for status-points and approval from their Jewish masters.

If you own the title to your house, it’s your house. Now, suppose you see a homeless person and let him in. It’s still your house because you hold the title, which documents the property as yours. So, your act of kindness to the homeless person is your decision. It’s up to you to let him stay or to ask him to leave.
But, suppose you decide to share the title with him, a kind of joint-ownership. You tell him, “my house is your house”, and you expect the guy to be grateful and kiss your pinky.
Instead, however, the guy feels that since he co-owns the title to the house, he will do as HE pleases. Besides, he regards your show of goodwill as a sign less of conscience than of weakness. He also has friends and families whom he wishes to bring over. You protest, but the law no longer favors you because the title is half his, meaning he now has just as much authority over the property as you do. You find your house, which is no longer yours alone, filling up with more ‘new owners’ invited by the homeless guy(who is now co-owner of the house). In time, the house has 100 people, and they begin to regard themselves less as guests than as co-owners. They also demand co-ownership, and you assent. In time, you go from owning the house outright to merely owning 1/100th of it. Boy, weren’t you a dumbass?

Whites in the West have only ONE way to save themselves. Take back the Title to their National Property. In Europe, this is totally justified because Europe is the ancient(indeed prehistoric) homeland of the white race. Denounce the cult of Diversity-and-Change as the products of neo-imperialism and neo-colonization spearheaded by Jewish Globalist Supremacists. Order the nonwhites to return, or else.

The change in the Western Code has proven to be fatal to Europe. Given Europe’s overall affluence and general pleasantness, the result was obvious to anyone with an honest pair of eyes. Naturally, the poor masses were gonna flock to the West for the ‘gibs’. And they were going to call on more of their kind to partake of the loot. If you disregard the warning DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS, what happens? They not only come to depend on your generosity but send signals to or attract the attention of other animals. And if they initially respond with gratitude and appreciation, they soon make angry demands for more food.

There is no hope for the West unless there is a profound change in the Code. Sure, the usual suspects will accuse the rise of nationalism as ‘racist’, but if nationalism was good enough for the Third World in driving out white/European colonists and imperialists, it’s good enough for white people to kick out Third World hordes of usurpers and to expose the Jewish-globalist-supremacists who’ve egged on the whole world against ‘whitey’. White people must reclaim the Title to their lands. And, if it means war and mayhem to topple the vile elites and kick out the foreigners, so be it. Viet Cong didn’t just hold up signs. They fought. So did the Algerians resistance fighters to drive out the French.

The re-coding of the West to favor Diversity & Change over Solidarity & Continuity has been the fatal flaw. Every society is a system, like a computer is a system. And just like a computer follows its codes, a social system functions in accordance to its legal coding and narrative drives. As long as the Code favors Diversity & Change, we can kiss the West goodbye. It may happen gradually, but it’s only a matter of time. (The crazy thing is it’s happening at break-neck speed, but most whites are either going along in blind faith in ‘wokeness’ or hunkering down out of fear of being called, boo hoo hoo, ‘racist’.)

Diversity & Change must be properly identified and diagnosed as the virus and cancer cells embedded into the Western DNA by vile globalist elites. They must be treated like diseases that must be expunged from the core DNA of the West. Diversity & Change are like a disease on the immune system. They are meant to weaken and destroy the health and viability of the West by brainwashing whites into thinking that any thought or action on their part for self-preservation is Evil. Nationalism is an immune system to defend and conserve the social system of a people. When nationalism succumbs to globalist cancer, the immune system fails because the people are fooled into believing that there is nothing more evil than their desire for solidarity and continuity as a people and culture.

White folks must rise up and attack ‘Diversity’ as a formula for Demise and ‘Change’ as a road to Extinction. (There is good, organic, and necessary change, and there is forced, artificial, and degenerative change. A boy growing into a man is organic change. A boy being genitally mutilated into a ‘girl’ and having his body covered with tattoos and piercings is demonic change, which is what the Jewish globalists fully endorse.)
A proud people with a real culture don’t need to be replaced and ‘reinvented’. Diversity-and-Change is a case of fixing something that isn’t broken. The idea of ‘fixing’ the advanced and stable West with dysfunctional Third World morons who wrecked or degraded their own societies is ridiculous, indeed a laugh riot, but few get the joke because white people have been ‘guilt-baited’ with the Cult of Shoah into believing that nationalism was the root of all evil in WWI and WWII when, in fact, both wars were the result of imperialism that violated the national sovereignty of the weaker nations.

The real reason for the rapid recovery of the West and Japan owed to the restoration of nationalism. Nazi and Japanese empires were defeated, and nations could be free and sovereign again, at least relatively speaking.
The new danger was that the Cold War gave rise to the Soviet and American empires. Still, given that their ideology was nominally anti-imperialist and they balanced each other out, there was some leeway for healthy nationalism around the world, especially for neutral states like Yugoslavia.
For a time, with the fall of communism, it seemed as if every nation in Europe would be sovereign and free. The Soviet menace was no more, and surely, American hegemony over Europe would recede, leading to the reassertion of full European sovereignty. There would be peace and prosperity predicated on independence and mutuality among nation-states. It was possible but not in the cards as Jews took over the US as the dominant elites and were hellbent on expanding the Empire of Judea. As such, the US became a giant aircraft carrier for Zion with the white race as the cuckish brown-nosing managerial-servant-class. So, we have the mess in Ukraine and possibly worse horrors down the pipeline.
The EU plan, which was originally to facilitate easier trade and communication among Europeans, turned into a ploy of packaging all of Europe into vassalage to the Empire of Judea.

It is because Zionists want to control the entire world that they push Diversity & Change on all nations(except Israel). With Diversity & Change as the elite mantra, nationalism will naturally grow weaker as the ‘leadership’ class refuses to defend their nations and instead serves the Jewish Globo-Supremacists who offer them lots of prizes and honorifics for their collaboration. And then, every nation can more easily be infiltrated and taken over by foreign capital and New Cosmopolitanism whose only truths are Globo-Homo and Negrolatry promoted by Jewish Globalism.


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