Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Remarkable Significance of the Pro-Palestinian Movement in the 21st Century


What is the significance of the mass protests since Israel’s bombardment and invasion of Gaza following the Hamas strike on October 7, 2023? A truly unprecedented development, the answer is bound to be multifaceted. One is the blow to the idolatry of victimhood, a kind of eternalization of historical tragedy seeking to permanently seal a certain group’s identity with a particular event or prolonged(but far from unending and/or continuous) condition.
The mental habit may have origins with the Christians who made a grand fetishization of victimhood/suffering and permanently affixed their faith and community with the suffering of Jesus Christ and the Early Christians. In other words, because the Romans fed the Early Christians to the lions, Christians get to accrue forever interests on noble victimhood regardless of their aggressions, violence, and hypocrisies through the ages.

Over time, it became a kind of passive/aggressive strategy(not always conscious) in dealing with the outside world(and ‘heretical’ sects of Christians). It became a de facto ploy of European Imperialism whereby, oftentimes, the Christian missionaries were among the first ones to make contact with the Other, only to be misunderstood, persecuted, and even killed by the natives. Thus, the Christian West earned Sacred Victim points via the ‘passive’ sacrifices of the missionaries and cashed them in as moral justification to conquer and quell the infidels. “We tried to spread love and faith to your darkies, but you slayed our missionaries with vicious cruelty, thereby leaving us no choice but to set things right by the might of arms.” Send in the missionaries, create saint-martyrs, bleat sanctimoniously about their sacrifice, and then invoke God and Country to wreak vengeance and spread the ‘civilization’.

Still, one saving grace of Christianity, for all its hypocrisies, was the commitment, at least in theory and ideal, to be as hard on oneself and one’s own people(if not more so) as on the Other. After all, whereas the benighted heathens may not have known better in their spiritual darkness, the Christians who’ve accepted the blessings of Jesus the loving and compassionate God should have known better and expected more of themselves.
Then, it’s no wonder that, along with the violence and hypocrisy, there were genuine efforts in the Christian West toward social and political reforms based on Christian moral precepts.
Also, one useful quality about hypocrisy is it could be pointed to reveal the hypocrisy of those who preach one thing but practice something else. One might say a hypocritical Christian was less dangerous than a consistent Nazi ideologue, Roman soldier, or Mongol barbarian who honestly acknowledged he was invading to conquer, exterminate, and enslave, and that was that. You can’t fault them for hypocrisy as they practiced exactly what they preached.

Christians exploited past suffering to sanctify their present and future, but in their emphasis on victimization and suffering, they were confronted with their own transgressions or trespasses against others. Thus, being a Christian didn’t mean you only got to cry victim; it also meant you had to face up to your own potential for evil unto others.
Indeed, a Christian who wraps himself in the banner of Jesus, endlessly bleats ‘Christ Is King’, and acts as if he or his people have nothing to answer for is a pretty useless Christian. (Even more useless are American Christians who really worship the Mammon of power and wealth, which explains why they currently worship Jews above God and Jesus and cackle with hideous glee at the sight of Gazans being butchered by the almighty IDF. Such types have proven that faith in Christianity is no guarantee for moral rectitude. At the other end, you have those insufferable holier-than-thou types who relish wallowing in guilt as a kind of exhibitionism. “Just look at me kiss a Negro’s feet, boo hoo hoo.”)

If there has been a degree of self-reflection among Christians, such has been mostly absent among the three groups that have recently staked claims of permanent tragicism or eternal victimhood. They are Jews, blacks, and homos. It wasn’t always so, however.
Post-Holocaust Jews, while hardly critical of Jewish behavior, did believe that Jews, given their own history of suffering, should be more conscientious and compassionate about other groups who’ve experienced similar tragedies or face horrors of the now. It partly explains why many Jews took up the cause of Civil Rights for blacks, pushed for revisionism on the American Indians, and protested the Vietnam War where American militarism was embroiled in neo-imperialist destruction.
And the appeal of Michael King(aka Martin L. King) to many whites was the message of reconciliation and understanding, a call to peace as a means to settle the racial divide in America. And before him, plenty of black leaders were critical of blacks and mindful of bettering themselves to show their worthiness of being fully accepted into American Society.

However, Jews and blacks by and large proved to be not as self-reflective as the White Christians. The reasons could be genetic, cultural, historical, and/or political. Blacks, being wilder and more childlike, tend to lack empathy and instead view the world in terms of ‘gots to have me’. Jews being of pushier temperament and wilier mindset, tend toward egocentrism, tribalism, or ‘advantagism’.
But aside from genetic and cultural traits, their victim mentality is more ingrained due to prolonged historical conditions. As far as blacks are concerned, at least up to the Sixties, they lived under the white yoke since their forced arrival on American shores as slaves. Their entire memory is that of having been on the bottom. Likewise, the entirety of Jewish existence in the West until relatively recently was under white/Christian power. Thus, Jews always felt their lot was precarious, never certain. Even when times were good, there was always the chance that the winds of fortune may blow the other way, and they’d lose it all or be expelled yet once again. And even privileged Jews felt surrounded by goyim who muttered about ‘Christ Killers’ and ‘stingy Jews’.

In either case, their condition didn’t mean that blacks or Jews were all saints — as surely there were plenty of rotten ones among them as among all other races and tribes — , but it did mean that, saint or sinner, they all lived under the power of another people consistently for a long long time. Unlike Jews in Judea who were sometimes victors and sometimes losers, the Jewish diaspora were always at the mercy of bigger powers. Likewise, blacks felt that they were just a bunch of ‘niggers’ to white people who held almost all the power through most of US history(and American History was the only history that blacks in the US knew).

But the victimhood mentality among Jews and blacks may have grown out of proportion due to the Northern European Protestant factor, the reasons being twofold. (1) Northern Europeans reached the summit of world power, even to the point of feeling invincible, thus allowing them to relax a bit and take their might for granted. Thus, they felt they could afford to be more generous, redemptive, and magnanimous. In contrast, such feelings hardly existed in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe that never felt as powerful or secure; excessive moralism or generosity for the Other was out of the question. Even in the US itself, the richer and more advanced northern elites tended toward greater generosity and moral concern than the poorer and less secure whites in the South who thought more in terms of protection and survival, especially from the wild Negroes. Morality in the South emphasized duty to God and one’s place in the order, not to change society for the betterment of all. It was much the same in Latin America where white minorities ruled over the darker populations of browns and/or blacks.
(2) Protestantism made Northern Europeans more personally and individually conscious of their moral choices than leaving it up to an institution to offer them instructions on what’s what. Thereby, whereas doing good work in the Catholic South was a matter of taking cues from above, in the Protestant North it meant taking one’s own initiative and accepting one’s own accountability to improve the world. Perhaps, Northern Europeans, having evolved in colder climes, were more earnest by nature as well. Compare Robert Redford with Joe Pesci. In a way, Martin Scorsese’s films exhibit a kind of Catholic Envy of Protestantism. Despite having remained a Catholic, a film like MEAN STREETS pulsates with Martin-Lutherian impulses of protest against Church teachings. Its (anti)hero Charlie wants to seek ‘redemption’ his own way, find ‘salvation’ in the streets among the hoodlums and the hoors. Anyway, Jews and blacks could have taken Northern Protestant moralism two ways. Adopt it themselves and shape their own morality in a similar manner OR take advantage of White Guilt to favor their own racial or ethnic power; in other words, use the Northern Protestants for the suckers that they could easily be. Needless to say, they opted for the latter.

In a way, the predominance of the Jewish and black victimology makes sense within the American context. The black one is obvious as blacks were imported as slaves and largely lived under bondage until the end of the Civil War; and then, blacks continued to face various legal and social discriminations on racial grounds in a country founded on the principle of equal justice. Not only was it a struggle for blacks to overcome the various obstacles but it was a challenge for whites to overcome their own prejudices. The challenges were difficult but also bracing and redemptive for many whites who, through the black narrative, hoped that a better version of America would emerge with the eventual fulfillment of its founding principles of the republic.

The other great noble victim narrative involved the American Indians, but it never quite caught on like the one involving blacks. Unlike blacks who arrived in chains to serve as slaves, thus were always under white rule, American Indians were free-roaming warriors who fought the white settlers in bloody clashes. Though doomed in numbers and by technology, the frontier war narratives portrayed them as fearsome braves who met a tragic end(like the Japanese in World War II) than as bona fide ‘victim’ groups. (Of course, blacks were fearsome tribal warriors in the Dark Continent as well, but as they arrived on American shores subdued in chains, they were always regarded as little more than slaves, a people completely at the mercy of whites.)

Furthermore, whereas black populations exploded and increasingly poured into influential urban centers(eventually in the North and the West), American Indians faded away in sparsely populated areas of the country, the so-called ‘reservations’. And their stony and stoic demeanor didn’t do much for their expression as a community.
And with the popularization of the American Western, it once again became fashionable to depict Indians as Red Savages who had to be rubbed out to make the West a nice decent place for Christian womenfolk and children. Also, for all their legendary prowess as natural warriors and hunters, American Indians hardly turned out to be more athletic than the white man. In contrast, whites would become virtually addicted to the siren song of black sports and music.

If black victimology in the US is understandable given the history, the primacy of Jewish victimology needs some explaining. After all, so-called ‘antisemitism’ in the US was relatively mild compared to what prevailed in Europe, especially parts of Eastern Europe. (Granted, even the slightest hint of ‘antisemitism’ is now regarded as an unpardonable sin, somewhat akin to blasphemy against God in the Middle Ages or using the Lord’s name in vain; but then, if anything has the status of godliness in our times, it is Jewishness, largely thanks to Jewish control of academia, media, and finance. Thus, the slightest infraction against Jewishness is deemed infinitely worse than the most bilious invectives against, say, Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Whites, Christians, Arabs, and etc. In other words, a society where Jews have it all but may hear the epithet ‘kike’ on occasion is more alarming than a society where whites/Christians or certain other goyim come under a constant barrage of ideological and racial abuse, not least from none other than Jewish Power.)

Jewish American historiography is rife with narratives about ancestors fleeing from pogroms in the Pale of Settlement(then a part of the Russian Empire) and coming to Edenic America to find hope, freedom, and opportunity. And the great Jewish calamity of the 20th century, the Shoah or Holocaust, didn’t happen in the US but across the Atlantic, and the US expended a great deal of material and human resources in the defeat of Nazi Germany. As horrible as the Shoah was, it happened in Europe, and there is no reason for Americans to make it a centerpiece of collective consciousness. If Americans really want to wax tragic about its own guilt of ‘genocide’, they should fixate on the fate of the American Indians or the millions of victims of American Wars(especially in East Asia and the Middle East). When something close to genocide is happening now in Gaza at the hands of the Likud(ation) government of Israel fully backed by the US, now there is something Americans can get all weepy over.

And yet, the majority support for Israel(that is carrying out mass slaughter), far eclipsing any concern for the Palestinian bodies piling up in Gaza, offers a clear indication as to why Jewish Victimology has become so central to American values and mythos. All said and done, when push comes to shove, the great majority of White Americans are shallow, brown-nosing, and sycophantic dweebs looking to gain approval and status by sucking up to the richest and most powerful people. As Jews are by far the wealthiest and most influential group, whites are naturally most servile to them. But then, Jews don’t want to be seen as the most powerful group being feted by a bunch of toadies, sidekicks, and whores. And whites don’t want to be seen as what they really are: brown-nosing cuck-maggots.
And so, the Jewish Victimology turns out to be convenient for both sides. Via the Holocaust Cult, we can keep pretending that Jews are forever the Holy Holocaust People always being hounded by new specters of ‘antisemitism’. Thus, even though cuck-goyim suck up to Jews for shekels, approval, favors, and status, there’s the pretense that it’s all about protecting poor helpless Jews. So, never mind the fact that Jewish Power is built on bribery, blackmail, and gangsterism. Never mind that most white Americans(especially in government and Christian Zionist churches) have the mentality of dogs(at least in relation to Jews). Jewish Victimology allows whites to pretend that they are noble white knights coming to the rescue of a much beleaguered people who are yet once being threatened by new manifestations of ‘nazism’.

Given the kind of lock that Jewish Power has on the American Psyche, many in the dissident sphere came to despair of the pathetic state of affairs in the general discourse, political and moral. Just about everything Americans seem to obsess about in periodic outbursts of moral panic seems to be the brainchild of Jewish Power. Jews push the button, and the machine does as programmed. It’s as if the American Mind is a putty in Jewish Hands. Whether it’s ‘feminist’ panic about ‘date rape’ at white fraternities, ‘hate crime’ hoaxes, yet another iteration of ‘innocent’ or ‘gentle’ black child killed by whites/cops, the supposed persecution of saintly homosexuals or ‘trans-genocide’, Assad gassing his own people, Putin as New Hitler threatening ‘democratic’ Ukraine, the rise of the ‘far right’ and ‘white supremacism’, or ‘systemic racist’ police mowing down random black men in the streets, and etc., it’s difficult to conceive of any victim narrative around the world independent of Jewish-controlled narratives and agendas. It’s as if Jews gained the monopoly on licensing victimology, without whose validation, one’s suffering amounts to a plate of beans(in the eyes of the ‘free world’ or ‘rules-based order’), whereas even a non-event like the death of George Floyd(who most certainly died of self-induced fentanyl poisoning) could be blown up into the greatest tragedy since the crucifixion of Jesus H. Christ.
The fact that so many Americans keep falling for such nonsense time and time again indicates that Americans are infantile, close to retarded, trashy and shallow, beyond help.

Then, what a surprise that an outpouring of support for the Palestinians exploded upon the scene as a great black swan moral event. How and why did this happen? What are the lessons to be learned from this? Is it a culmination of certain long suppressed trends or the beginning of something that is likely to grow bigger in the future?
One thing for sure, this happened outside the purview and permission of Jewish Power, which, if anything, had been doing everything in its power to prevent something like it, not least in the suppression of the BDS movement. To be sure, Jewish activists did play a key role in pro-Palestinian movement, much like conscientious whites played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement. But these dissident Jews never had the kind of power that Zion Inc. had built up over the years. Norman Finkelstein admitted that he’d pretty much given up on the movement that hardly went anywhere as the pro-Zionist wing of the Jewish Community seemed so invincible and pervasive at all levels of society. It took him by surprise that the movement exploded into the street and sprouted all over campuses, leading media outlets that had previously ignored him to suddenly appeal to him for analysis and commentary.
It’s all the more remarkable given that the current controversy began on Oct 7, 2023 when IDF bases were overrun by Hamas fighters, initially lending Israel the moral advantage as the aggrieved and victimized party. And of course, to this day, there are plenty of US politicians and religious figures who invoke Oct 7 to justify whatever Israel has done since, much like Americans felt justified in everything they did in World War II following Pearl Harbor.
But when bombs began to rain down on Gaza and indiscriminately blow things up, the political shift was dramatic.

One thing for sure, the outpouring of sympathy for the Palestinians was not manufactured, making it all the more remarkable. Just about every political agenda or mass passion has been astro-turfed for as long as we can remember. Think of WMD in Iraq or War on Terror. Think of GloboHomo pushed by Hollywood and the courts. Or the ‘date rape’ panic that always focused on White Fratboys. Or the #MeToo hysteria. And of course, Trump as ‘literally Hitler’, Russia Collusion mass paranoia, Covid mania, and BLM-George-Floyd riots. And if anyone paid attention to the idiocy known as ‘American Conservatism’, the biggest alarm bells were about the monopolization of power by the ‘far left’, which would include BlackRock and other super-capitalist oligarchs, LOL. All these political and/or moral panics were manufactured by certain elements of the elites, be they ensconced in government, academia, media, entertainment, or law firms.

But the Pro-Palestinian movement was different. If anything, the elites of both parties have been targeting BDS for destruction. Whether it was Nancy Pelosi or Donald Trump, American Politics has mostly been about the biggest names in government rolling over at the feet of Netanyahu and the like.
Yet, out of the left field, Pro-Palestinian voices exploded on the scene. Even more remarkably, it happened during Biden’s presidency. The mass outrage of BLM in 2020 could be explained as the Deep State’s coordinated effort to delegitimize Trump’s MAGA-America, one of white supremacism where cops went around hunting down innocent and angelic blacks. Indeed, the Democratic elites(and even some ‘RINO’ ones) poured gasoline on the social unrest, aka ‘mostly peaceful protests’, and the overwhelmingly Jewish-Democratic media played along.

In contrast, the pro-Palestinian protests were bound to hurt the Democrats by exposing them as just as bloodthirsty as the GOP on Zionist issues and just as servile to AIPAC. Thus, one cannot chalk up the angry protests to political opportunism. If anything, many protesters were soon targeted for blacklisting on future job prospects(and some heads rolled in elite academia for having defended the free speech of the protesters). As such, this was possibly the most authentic movement since the Anti-War movement of the Sixties.

Palestinian-Americans have miniscule power and influence compared to the Jewish-Zionists(and their cuck-n-proxy goy allies), so how did this happen? One explanation is Palestinian-Americans(and Arab/Muslim-Americans in general) invested much of their energies on impacting(if not dominating) a key department in academia: Middle East Studies. Unlike conservatives who’ve failed to consolidate control over any single department and whose influence is diffuse across academia, Arab-Americans have worked hard at gaining significant representation in Middle East Studies, a key field considering America’s imperial foreign policy that has often targeted that region of the world.
Thus, even though Palestinian/Arab/Muslim Americans have limited power and influence in most sectors, they’ve amassed considerable intellectual/moral arsenal in at least one area of expertise. And even though these individuals are usually ignored by the Jewish-dominated ‘mainstream media’ or MSM, they’ve gained a considerable following through social media. Over time, growing numbers of young people grew up listening to both sides instead of merely the Jewish-Zionist-oriented one.

But there is also the Jewish Factor as many American Jews, especially of the younger generation, have grown disgusted with Israel’s turn to far-right extremism as embodied by Netanyahu and his allies(who have majority support among the Israelis). Ironically, mega-Zionist Trump and MAGA may have hastened Jewish-American disillusionment with Israel and Zionism, indeed far more than the wars of George W. Bush.
While some on the (dissident) Right appreciated Trump for standing up to the Neocons and their Wars for Israel, some Jews and influential people on the Left grew even more hostile to Israel when the Trump-Netanyahu pact emboldened Israelis to act even more aggressively and arrogantly in the region. Jewish Power vilified Trump as a white supremacist, hate-monger, xenophobe, literally Hitler, Neo-Nazi, and etc. but there was Netanyahu shaking hands with Trump who gave the green light for Israel to annex more territory and beat up on Palestinians. If Trump is ‘literally Hitler’ and if Israelis prefer him as the leader of America, it implies Israel is a kind of ‘nazi state’.

One thing for sure, if the Pro-Palestinian movement has one decisive advantage over the Alt Right, especially in its incarnation during 2016-2017, it was the themes of nationalism and humanism, as opposed to supremacism and neo-imperialism. While plenty(and probably most) of Alt Right types rejected supremacism and imperialism, the movement got hijacked by Richard Spencer, a neo-imperialist who merely wanted to replace Jewish Supremacist World Hegemony with Anglo-White one. As such, he tended to encourage stuff like Heil-Gate and form alliances with Neo-Nazi types like Mike Enoch, Chris Cantwell, and etc. As such, it was easy for Jews and globalists to paint the Hitler mustache on the Alt Right. A lost opportunity for the Dissident Right. Never let a child lead a movement. Spencer is a spoiled brat.

In contrast, the pro-Palestinian voices merely want the world to recognize the humanity of the Palestinians. Also, unlike 007-Darth-Vader-wanna-be Richard Spencer and other such ilk who speak in global hegemonic or ‘Jupiterian’ terms, pro-Palestinians only demand a rightful homeland for Palestinians in the land of their ancestors.
In the US, Jewish Power is actually against equal justice for all peoples and nations. Rather, it insists on special affinity and favoritism for Israel, meaning those at odds with the Zionist agenda must be relegated to enemy-or-less-than-human status. Far from pushing the American System to treat Jews and Palestinians equally(here and abroad), Jewish Power demands that the US always favor Jews and Zion. Jews, blacks, and homos are the holy trinity deserving of ‘more equal than others’ status. Jews slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children is no big deal. But Palestinians calling for their own homeland is twisted into ‘calling for the genocide of Jews’.

There seems to be an overlapping if not a convergence of rightist and leftist strands in regards to the increasingly abusive and corrupt Jewish Power. Many on the Right feel that Jewish-Zionist-centric Neoconservatism is antithetic to American Interests. As the nationalist fervor following 9/11(with its own questionable narrative) fizzled in the morass of the Iraq War(built on a lie that no one could long sustain), the mainstream of the American Right turned against interventionism, which explained the popularity of Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform in 2016(to the chagrin of Jewish Neocons who wanted to keep milking American blood for Jewish Supremacist Wars).
Even though the American Left was slower to coalesce into a viable opposition against the establishment, it’s likely that many came to a similar realization as the so-called nationalist-populists on the American Right. Neolibs of the Democratic Party are merely the flipside of the Neocons of the GOP, and most Democratic elites have done little but shill for Zion.

A key difference is this: Whereas many anti-Neocon conservatives don’t care enough about the issue to meet up in fiery rallies — it’s more apathy about Israel First than outright antipathy toward Zionism — , many on the Left, especially the young, relish the romance of protest and activism(and are furthermore concentrated in urban areas whereas the rhetoric and action become most heated). Thus, they are situated to make a bigger impact on the political direction of the country.

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